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Emergence and Transfer of Wealth 财富涌现与流转, 2014, 4, 41-48 Published Online December 2014 in Hans. /journal/etw /10.12677/etw.2014.44006 The Research of Online Customer Reviews on the Base of Text Analysis 1 2 Beibei Wang , Maohong Liu 1 Economics and Management School, Wuhan University, Wuhan 2 Management School, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan Email: wangbeibei562080@126.com, maohongliu@ rd th th Received: Dec. 3 , 2014; revised: Dec. 20 , 2014; accepted: Dec. 27 , 2014 Copyright © 2014 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract In the era of Web2.0, customer reviews have become more and more important. Many researchers have done a large number of researches. But they have just focused on the quantitative proxy such as volume and ratings. But the customers care more about the text. By text analysis, we can find more detail from the texts. From the empirical study, we find that volume and the valence of the customer reviews both positively influence sales and they have a positive interaction. We also find that the variance of the customer reviews has a positive influence on the sales. Our findings can expand the understanding of customer reviews and help marketers utilize online word-of-mouth. Keywords Customer Reviews, Text Analysis, Sales 基于文本分析的网上消费者评论影响机制研究 1 2 王贝贝 ,刘茂红 1武汉大学经济与管理学院,武汉 2武汉科技大学管理学院,武汉 Email: wangbeibei562080@126.com, maohongliu@ 收稿日期:2014年12月3 日;修回日期:2014年12月20 日;录用日期:2014年12月27 日 41 基于文本分析的网上消费者评论影响机制研究



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