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26. [A] at [B] by [C] in [D] on 27. [A] no [B] not [C] some [D] any 28. [A] install [B] happen [C] appear [D] show 29. [A] difficulty [B] trouble   [C] case [D] problem 30. [A] as [B] like [C] same [D] similar 31. [A] taken [B] considered [C] defined [D] thought 32. [A] must [B] might [C] may [D] will 33. [A] resolving [B] issuing [C] setting [D] finishing 34. [A] in [B] for [C] as [D] at 35. [A] having [B] playing [C] also [D] making 36. [A] arguing [B] promising [C] taking [D] advising 37. [A] and [B] or [C] stating [D] but 38. [A] Unless [B] If [C] While [D] Though 39. [A] make [B] possess [C] get [D] assume 40. [A] After [B] Before [C] If [D] While 41. [A] differently [B] accordingly [C] directly [D] consistently 42. [A] hot [B] cold [C] good [D] bad 43. [A] for [B] with [C] against [D] between 44. [A] solution [B] result [C] key [D] answer 45. [A] yes [B] not [C] no  [D] all 46. The writer wants us to understand that a child___   [A] has to be taught how to play   [B] likes a toy   [C] matures through play   [D] can grow up with toys 47. Toys have several functions except___   [A] helping children to play   [B] urging children to play   [C] recommending ways for children to play   [D] asking children to play 48. The passage tells us that children are the most curious when they are about___   [A] four years old   [B] six years old   [C] one year old   [D] two years old 49. The passage is about___   [A] the importance of education   [B] the importance of


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