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U1 一、根据中文意思,写单词。 发明家 出生 才能、能力 甚至 获胜 包括、包含 没有人 在乡村 人 灭绝 弄清 去散步 二、完成下列句子并翻译句子 1. Da Vinci was b in the countryside. 2. Leonadrdo was an Italian painter, i , musician, engineer and scientist. 3. His notebooks i some interesting drawings of flying machines. 4. If we work hard, we will w the game. 5. Nobody knows why. H , we can learn about them from their fossils. 三、完成句子 1.地球上到处都是人。 There are full of in the earth. 2. 世界上许多动物都灭绝了。 Many animals have in the world. 3.我祖父母住在农村。 My grandparents are living . . 4.他喜欢饭后去散步。 He likes to after dinner. 5.羊对于农民来说是很重要的。 Sheep the farmer. 语法汇总: 不定代词 some: 一些+名词 表示大概的数量。any:一些/任何+名词(用于否定句和疑问句中) someone somebody something anyone anybody anything no one nobody nothing everyone everybody everything 不定代词做主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式:be→is ,do→does,其他动词在词尾加s Eg: 1.有人在房子里。 Somebody is in the house. 2.有人在房间里吗? Is there anyone in the room? 四、翻译下列句子。 1. I saw somebody/someone/something. 2. Did you see anybody/anyone/anything? 3. I did not see anybody/anyone/anything. 4. I saw nobody/no one/nothing. 5. There is not anybody/anyone/anything. 6. Someone is waiting to see you. 7. Nothing ever happens in this town. 五、选择正确的答案。 1. Do you have questions? Please raise your hand. A. some B. any C. much D. many 2. Without saying , he left in a hurry. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. some 3. — Would you like tea? ---NO, I don’t want tea, but I would like cake. A. any; any;


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