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pick and choose(v.+v.) 挑三拣四,仔细挑选 select with great care; be very particular in choosing; choose carefully ▲pick and choose He was never one to pick and choose.他从来不挑三拣四。 I spent days picking and choosing before deciding on the wallpaper and curtains.我挑选壁纸和窗帘用了好几天的时间。 ▲pick and choose to-v Some people pick and choose to get something perfect.有些人挑三拣四是想弄到一些完美无缺的东西。  pick and steal(v.+v.) 扒窃 steal sth from sbs pocket ▲pick and steal Jacelin often picked and stole when he was at school.杰斯林上学时经常扒窃。 ▲pick and steal sth ◇ 用于be ~ed结构 The purse has been picked and stolen from my pocket.我的钱包被人从口袋里摸走了。 pick apart(v.+adv.) ▲pick sthapart 1.把…撕成碎片,拆散 separate (sth) into pieces He picked apart an old quilt.他把一条旧被子撕成碎片。 She sat on the ground, picking the pictures apart.她坐在操场上,把照片撕成了碎片。 The tailor told me that she couldnt change the size of my trousers without picking the whole thing apart.那个裁缝告诉我说不把我的裤子全都拆开的话,她无法改变它的尺寸。 2.〈非正〉对…吹毛求疵 find fault on (sth) They picked the play apart.他们把这出戏批评得一无是处。 pick at(v.+prep.) 1.扯,拉 tear or pull (with fingers) ▲pick at sth The baby is picking at the bedclothes.婴儿在抓弄被褥。 The sick man picked at the blanket.病人拉扯着毯子。 2.找茬儿,批评 find fault with; criticize ▲pick at sb Leave the child alone; youre always picking at her.不要管那孩子,你总是找她的岔。 I wish she would stop picking at the little girl so much.但愿她不再老找那个小女孩的岔儿。 Why are you always picking at the poor child?你为什么总是挑那可怜的小孩的毛病? 用于be ~ed结构 Shed been picked at so often by parents and teachers that she didnt know how to behave.家长和老师经常对她求全责备,她简直不知怎么办才好。 3.少量地吃 eat very little of a meal at a time; eat without interest or appetite ▲pick at sth She only picked at her food.她只吃了一点点食物。 The sick boy was only picking at his food.这个有病的孩子只吃了几口饭。 I think something must be worrying Dade; he has only picked at his food for the last two days.我看达德有心事,最近两天他吃得很少。 He never feels hungry and just picks at his food.他从不觉得饿,吃东西也没胃口。  pick from(v.+prep.) 1.从…摘下〔剔去〕; 从…捡起 lift or remove (sth) from (some place) ▲pick sth from sth She pic


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