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新托福結構式極速閱讀大講堂---課堂補充知識1:電影的早期歷史 The history of motion pictures 分類:新托福機經 2007/02/16 00:46 這是第二堂上課會補充的背景知識,同學可以先看的哦, 請參考OG 的第58頁? Early Cinema 早期電影的發展一直是托福的熱門考題,從攝影機的發明,拍攝技術的發展,從有無聲至有聲電影的過程也是iBT 的真經之一,06年就出現了兩次。 以下機經皆同學們在網上分享,感謝這些好心的同學,編者只是將其整理,與大家分享,祝福大家有好成績的哦 ^ ^。) ■? 有聲電影的發展:(06.04.08、06.12.15) 關於電影從無聲電影轉變有聲電影時代是一個重要得轉變。說在1920s以前,人們用雖然沒有把臺詞加到電影中,但是聲音早就以鋼琴伴奏的形式加到電影中。其中舉了個例子說某某電影在加了live得music以後大受歡迎。接著又說有聲電影的發展蓋過了電影中其他技術的發展,好像是圖像,拍攝之類的。說其他的這些技術的進步直到1950s才被人所注意。其中考到drastically changed, overshadow這樣的詞。 ? The history of motion pictures ??????????? Since earliest times, people have been interested in portraying things in motion. During the late 1800s, developments in science helped stimulate a series of inventions that led to projected motion pictures on celluloid film. ??????????? The first successful photographs of motion were made in 1877 and 1878 by Eadweard Muybridge. ??????????? Muybridge took a series of photographs of a running horse. For his project, Muybridge set up a row of cameras (first 12, then 24) with strings attached to their shutters. When the horse ran by, it broke each string in succession, tripping the shutters. ??????????? The works, In Jockey on a Galloping Horse, are considered a forerunner of motion pictures. ? Thomas Alva Edison’s contribution to Early cinema ??????????? Muybridges feat influenced inventors in several countries to work toward developing devices to record and re-present movie images. These inventors included Thomas Armat and Thomas Alva Edison. ??????????? Edisons company displayed the first commercial motion-picture machine in 1893. Edison called his machine the kinetoscope (a term which derived from kinetics, a science that deals with aspects of motion). ??????????? It was a cabinet showing unenlarged 35-millimeter black-and-white films running about 90 seconds. An individual watched through a peephole as the film moved on spools. ? ? ? ??????????? By its nature, the experience of viewing a motion picture through a kinetosco


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