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Anger be tough. It can spawn its ugly minions, like frustration, fear, anxiety, stress and even rage. It can feel like its eating you up inside as it practically ruins your entire day while filling your head with a bunch of angry, negative thoughts. Lets cool it a little shall we?愤怒可不是个好惹的敌人。因为它背后还跟着许多同样面目可憎的帮凶,诸如:沮丧、恐惧、焦虑、压力,乃至暴怒。愤怒让负面情绪充斥你的大脑,毁掉你一整天的美好生活,它就像个从你身体里将你一步步蚕食的怪物。因此当感到愤怒时,让我们先冷静一下,好吗?10.If you get angry easily, it may be because the seed of anger in you has been watered frequently over many years, and unfortunately you have allowed it or even encouraged it to be watered.-–ThichNhatHanh10.若你很容易就感到愤怒,那或许是因为愤怒的种子已在你体内被滋养了多年,而幕后的黑手或许就是你自己,是你为它提供了源源不断的养料。--一行禅师Indeed, youre responsible for your anger. Effectively, to constantly water it would mean youve created the habit of anger. Youre probably even addicted to it. To stop being so angry, youve to break out of anger. Stop watering the angry seed within, live your life and start planting other seeds!没错,你得为你的愤怒负责。事实上正是不断给愤怒的种子施肥的你亲手培养了自己易怒的习惯。而且很有可能,你已愤怒成瘾。要想摆脱它,你非得从愤怒中挣脱出来不可。铲除你体内的愤怒之种,好好生活,试着在心里种上些其他的种子!9.Speak when you are angry – and youll make the best speech youll ever regret. --Laurence J. Peter9.感到愤怒的时候就大声说出来吧,大可不必压抑,然后你就可以为你说出的这些话后悔终生了。--劳伦斯·彼得Youll never mean the things you say when youre angry. So try to be calm. You dont want to end up saying things thatd only serve to produce guilt and regret.人在愤怒时说出口的话从来都不是他们的本意。因此,努力让自己冷静下来吧。你也不希望自己最终说出那些只会带来愧疚和悔恨的冲动之词。8.Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath. --Eckhart Tolle8.愤怒之后,必有苦痛。--埃克哈特·托利Anger is not a primary emotion. Its secondary. Youve find the root cause of your anger. What is it? Fear?Rejection?Sadness?Guilt? Its going to be terrifying, but youve to be honest with yourself and start asking the bigger questions in order to overcome anger.愤怒并非最主要的导火索,它仅仅是表面。你要去找到究竟是什么导致了你的愤怒。是恐惧?抗拒?还是悲伤或愧疚?这个寻找的过程可能不会很舒服,但你必须这样做,诚实地同自己对话,只有这样你才能最终克服愤怒情绪。7.Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; y


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