
宿舍管理制度Dormitory Rules and Regulations4.9.doc

宿舍管理制度Dormitory Rules and Regulations4.9.doc

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宿舍管理制度Dormitory Rules and Regulations4.9

宿舍管理制度(暂行) Dormitory Rules and Regulations(provisional version) 一、目的: 为加强员工宿舍管理,使员工宿舍保持整洁的环境和良好的公共秩序,以利员工获得充分的休息,更好地投入工作,特制定本管理办法。 Purpose: The objective of the present rules and regulations is to bring clarity to issues related to the operation, management and supervision of dormitories and to provide for the needs of employees staying in dormitories by ensuring comfortable, safe and orderly boarding. 二、范围: 凡在公司住宿之职员工。 Application scope: All employees in Jinzhou Foundry. 三、职责: Responsibilities 3.1 综合部:负责按本制度的具体实施监督及评定工作。 Administration dept: In charge of the implementation and supervision of these rules and regulations. 3.2 宿舍管理员:负责公司所有员工入住安排、登记表更新及纪律、卫生、用电安全、设施维护等日常管理。(由综合部指定人员) Dormitory keeper: Be responsible for the daily dormitory management, including check-in arrangement for all the staff, electricity security, equipment maintenance etc,.(Dormitory keeper is appointed by the administration dept.) 3.3 宿舍长:负责协助宿舍管理员管理宿舍的纪律、卫生、用电安全、设施维护等日常管理。(每宿舍指定一人) Dormitory leader: Help the dormitory keeper with the daily dormitory management.(For every apartment, there is one dormitory leader designated by the dormitory keeper.) 四、程序: Procedures: 4.1 宿舍长的产生及职责: The responsibilities of the dormitory leader: 4.1.1每个宿舍员工推举一名,或综合部指定一名,在综合部备案。 For every apartment, there is one dormitory leader elected by the staff of the apartment or designated by the dormitory keeper. 4.1.2负责安排卫生值日表并传达公司新的宿舍管理规定与相关的通知,并确认执行情况。 Make sure regulations and arrangements about dormitories is delivered to every roommate and carried out smoothly. Supervise roommates to do the cleaning work. 4.1.3 当发现有违反宿舍日常管理规范的行为及时制止,情节严重时,必须报告宿舍管理员及综合部处理。 Maintain the good order and safety of the dormitory. Report any violations of disciplines to the administration department. 4.1.4 当宿舍的水、电等发生故障时,负责及时通知宿舍管理员。 Report any damage of dormitory properties to the administration department. 五、 宿舍安排及规范: Dormitory arrangements and regulations: 5.1 宿舍人员安排: Employee check-in arrangement: 5.1.1本公司在



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