
畜产品加工复习试题2011上半学期试题及复习题中文备注 - 副本.doc

畜产品加工复习试题2011上半学期试题及复习题中文备注 - 副本.doc

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畜产品加工复习试题2011上半学期试题及复习题中文备注 - 副本

《畜产食品工艺学》复习思考题 教 材:畜产食品工艺学(全国统编教材第二版,蒋爱民主编) 中国农业出版社2008出版 注 意:复习思考题并不意味着包括了全部的考试内容,只是帮助学生掌握学习 方法和主要内容,要求同学“举一反三”的利用本复习思考题。 一、填空 1.记住20个以上的我国畜禽产品加工常见的畜禽品种名称 2. Dairy Processing includes Clarification, Separation, Standardization, Pasteurization, UHT Treatment , Homogenization, Membrane Processing, Evaporation and Dehydration, Production and Utilization of Steam and Refrigeration. 3. The extent of microorganism inactivation depends on the combination of temperature and holding time.(p.41) 4. Types of single effect evaporators of milk include Batch Pan , Rising film , Falling film , Plate evaporators and Scraped surface(58) 5.乳用型黑白花牛的年平均产乳量为6500~7500 kg,乳脂率为3.6%~3.7%, 乳蛋白3.5%~3.9%;我国水牛的产乳性能比黄牛为高,泌乳期约8~10个月,产乳量为500~1,000 kg,乳脂率7.4%~11.6%,乳蛋白 4.5%~5.9%,干物质为21.8%。萨能奶山羊(Saanen)原产于瑞士柏龙县萨能山谷,故名萨能羊。萨能奶山羊泌乳期300 d左右,年平均产乳量为600~1200 kg,乳脂率3.3%~4.4%,乳蛋白3.3%-3.5%。(p.123-125) 二、名词解释 1. LA: Lactobacillus acidophilus(p.77) 2. LAB: lactic acid bacteria (p..73) . PSE肉: .肉的嫩度: . 肉的腐败变质: . 冷鲜肉(cold meat) : . 肉的嫩度(Tenderness): . 肉的保水性(Water Holding Capacity) DFD肉 skimming of milk : 1. fermented or cultured milks 12.乳糖不适症(Lactose Intolerance) 三、简述题 1. What is the Pasteurization of milk?(p.40) The process of pasteurization was named after Louis Pasteur who discovered that spoilage organisms could be inactivated in wine by applying heat at temperatures below its boiling point. The process was later applied to milk and remains the most important operation in the processing of milk. Definition: The heating of every particle of milk or milk product to a specific temperature for a specified period of time without allowing recontamination of that milk or milk product during the heat treatment process. 2. 原料肉腐败变质的机理 3.用于灌肠加工的肠衣的种类和特点。(p.87) 肠衣(Casing)是灌肠制品的特殊包装物,主要分为两大类,即天然肠衣和人造肠衣。 (1)天然肠衣:即猪、牛、羊的大肠、小肠、盲肠、食管(牛)和膀胱等。因加工方法不同,分干制和盐渍两类……………………… (2)人造肠衣:人造肠衣使用方便,安全卫生,标准规格……………人造肠衣包括以下几种:① 纤维素肠衣:……可作大、小红肠包装之用。② 胶原肠衣:用动物胶制成,分可食和不可食两类……③ 塑料肠衣:用聚丙二氯乙烯、聚乙烯膜制成…… 4. 影响肉嫩度因素……除与


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