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写出下列副词的比较级和最高级。 hard______ ________ fast________ ___________ early_____ __________ happily________ ___________ carefully_________ ____________ little_________ _________ far__________ __________ badly__________ _________ soon__________ __________ near__________ __________ well__________ __________ slowly__________ __________ 用副词的适当形式填空。 Joan dances________.She dances__________ than Rose. But Mary dances__________ in her class.(well) Which do you like__________(well),apples, oranges or pears? My mother always gets up __________in our family, but yesterday my father got up__________than she.(early) Can a plane fly__________ than a spaceship(宇宙飞船)? I think a spaceship flies much__________than a plane.(fast) My job is to study English__________(good). Twenty minutes__________(late), she will come with Ann. We should be__________(friend) to old people. I think English is as__________(use) as Chinese. David writes more __________(care) than Jane. The __________(much) food you eat, the __________(far) you’ll get. The train is __________(fast) than the truck. Li Ming is my __________(good) friend in my school. 选择填空。 Which is __________, an ant, a snake or a snail? A fast B faster C the fastest 2. Are there__________ hotels near here? A some B any C much 3. Mount Everest is __________ mountain in the world. A high B higher C the highest 4. Which is __________ country in the world? A large B largest C the largest 5.John is the__________ boy in his class. A cutest B cute C cuter 6.Bg birds can even run __________ than a horse. A fastest B faster C fast 7. The water in the river is clearer __________ that in the lake. A than B as C so 8. –Which is __________, the sun, the moon or the earth? -Of course, the moon is. A smaller B smallest C the smallest 9. –Who jumped the__________ of all in the high jump? - Liu Ming did. A longest B highest


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