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DIALux Version 3 DIALux Version 3 DDIIAALLuuxx VVeerrssiioonn33 The Software Standard for Calculating Lighting Layouts 中文使用手冊 © 2003 DIALux,Asia 总部 DIALGmbH 台湾台中市河南路四段680号 Tel: +886 4 Fax: +886 4 E-mail: Http:// .tw 上海联络处 Tel: +86 21 Fax: +86 21 E-mail: service@ Http:// 2nd Edition 2003 The text and images were prepared with great care. DIAL, the authors and the translators are, however,not subject to legal obligation or liability for any errone- ous information and its consequences. This publication is protected by copyright law.All rights reserved. Most of the soft- ware and hardware designations used in this manual are registered trademarks and therefore subject to the applicable laws. The DIALGmbH can not be held responsible for any damage to people or prop- erty which might occur in connection with the use of the DIALux software. The program and documentation was created with great care, errors can, however, not be ruled out. POV-Ray™ POV-Ray™ is short for the Persistence of Vision™ Raytracer, a tool for producing high-quality computer graphics. POV-Ray™ is copyrighted freeware, that is to say, we, the authors, retain all rights and copyright over the program, but that we permit you to use it for no charge, subject to the conditions stated in our license. You can view the license by bringing up the POV-Ray for Windows about box by using the Help menu orAlt+B and selecting the appropriate button. CONTACTINFORMATION for POV-Ray™ License inquiries can be made via email; please check the POV-Ray™ website and the online copy of this document at /povlegal.htmlfor the current email address of the team leader.(Unfortunately we cannot include it here as we have to change it from time to time due to spam email being sent to the address). The following postal address is only for official license busine


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