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What is wealth? Wealth means different things to different people. But there are common agreements that wealth must include these important factors such as being happy, healthy, and living in harmony with family and others. 财富是什么?不同的人对财富的定义不同,但每个人都会同意,财富包含着这么一些重要的基本要素:快乐、健康、与他人和谐的相处等等。 You may have all the riches in the world but if you are not true to yourself and others, you are not considered wealthy because you will not have true friendship and your wealth will not last because integrity is the foundation of everything. A world famous scientist, Buckminster Fuller, said it so well: “Integrity is the ssence of everything.” 但如果你没有以诚心来对待自己和他人,纵使拥有了全世界的财宝,也不能算真正富有,因为完整性是所有事物的基础。 著名科学家布克米尼斯特·富勒如是说: “完整是一切的本质。” Wealth should cover these five important areas: Mental, Physical, Social, Financial, and working with Universal Laws taking into consideration the well being of people in the world. 财富应该囊括以下五大方面:精神、身体、社会、财政和遵循法律规范。 A man cannot be considered wealthy if he does not care about others, the environment and the world. We live in an interdependent world and one can only be considered wealthy when he has the holistic approach of not only taking care of himself but the less fortunate and contributing to society and the world, being a responsible world citizen. 一个不关心他人、不关心环境、不关心的世界的人并不算富有。我们居住在一个互相依存的世界上,只有那些使用整体 处理方法,不仅关心自己更为社会创造财富的,有责任心的好公民才能真正被称为是富有的。 These series of articles is part of the Create Wealth And Live Your Dreams program to help make the world a better place by educating and sharing with people wealth creating principles and ideas which they can apply to their lives. 这一系列的片断来自“创造财富并实现你的梦想”课程,通过教育和与人们分享他们创造财富的原则来美化世界。 One great principle of creating wealth is to think positive. A positive attitude is an essential part of creating wealth. A good strategy is to think positive at all times, do not let negative thoughts dwell in your mind, they are like weeds, they will grow and spread very fast! 创造财富的一个重要原则是


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