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1 Which of the following is a feature of British education as a whole? A Education is chaotic. B Education is extremely expensive and poor people can抰 afford it. C Education is highly centralized. D Education is rather independent and enjoys a great deal of freedom. 2 The War of 1812 was fought between _____. A England and France B England and the United States C France and the United States D Britain, Canada and the United States 3 The largest river in the United Kingdom, which runs 355 kilometers and empties into the Bristol Strait, is _____. A the Seven River B the Clyde River C the Thames River D the Potomac River 4 揋od Save the Queen?is the national _____ of Britain. A flag B emblem C anthem D both A and C 5 The first king of England is _____, who won the overlordship in 829. A John B James I C Egbert D Henry I 1 D, 英国教育制度经过几百年的改革,相当的完善和复杂,同时又具有相当的灵活性。 2 D, 1812年6月,美国向英国宣战,其真实用意在于夺取加拿大。成为第二次美英战争。三国都卷入战争。 3 A, 英国最长的河是塞文河。 4 C, 《上帝拯救女王》是英国的国歌。 5 C, 艾格伯国王于829年统一英格兰建立王权。 6 In 1588 the English fleet defeated the _____ Armada and established its supremacy over the sea. A Portuguese B Italian C Spanish D Japanese 7 Big Ben is a famous ____ in London. A statue B bridge C hotel D clock 8 London is divided into the city of London and _____. A the west end B the east end C the country of greater London D Scotland yard 9 In 1066, _____ led the Norman army in invading and defeating England. A William the Conqueror B Julius Caesar C Alfred the Great D Claudius 10 Which of the following sports was not invented in Britain? A Football B Tennis C Archery D Cricket 6 C, 1588年英国舰队摧毁西班牙无敌舰队,从而树立了海上霸权。 7 D, Big Ben 是英国著名的“大本钟”。 8 C, 大伦敦包含伦敦市区以及周围的市郊乡村地带。 伦敦市区又分为the west end and the east end,其中 the west end 为富人区。 9 A, 1066年,威廉大帝率诺曼底远征英格兰,大获全胜。这是外族侵略英国的最后一次成功。 10 C, 起源于英国的运动是足球、网球和板球,射击不是。 1.The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the ____ century. A 18th B 19th C 17th D 20th 2.The Victorian Age was largely and age of ____, eminently


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