varnish 的配置文件详细解析(VCL详解).doc

varnish 的配置文件详细解析(VCL详解).doc

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varnish 的配置文件详细解析(VCL详解)

varnish的VCL的详细解析: 主机配置 backend www { .host = ; .port = http; .connect_timeout = 1s; 连接时间 .first_byte_timeout = 5s; 连接上后等待接受第一个字节的时间 .between_bytes_timeout = 2s; 在字节与字节之间的等待时间 } 多个主机实现负载均衡。 director b2 random { .retries = 5; { .backend = b1; .weight = 7; } { .backend = { .host = fs2; } .weight = 3; } } The random director(随即) The round-robin director(轮询) The client director 根据客户端(session cookie等)确认访问哪台服务器 The hash director(基于hash表来决定访问哪台服务器) The DNS director director directorname dns { .list = { .host_header = ; .port = 80; .connect_timeout = 0.4; /24; 28/25; } .ttl = 5m; 查找缓存时间 .suffix = ; 主机名后缀 } 健康检查 backend www { .host = ; .port = http; .probe = { .url = /test.jpg; .timeout = 0.3 s; .window = 8; .threshold = 3; .initial = 3; } } Or it can be defined separately and then referenced:: probe healthcheck { .url = /status.cgi; .interval = 60s; .timeout = 0.3 s; .window = 8; .threshold = 3; .initial = 3; } backend www { .host = ; .port = http; .probe = healthcheck; } If you have many backends this can simplify the config a lot. It is also possible to specify the raw HTTP request: probe rawprobe { # NB: \r\n automatically inserted after each string! .request = GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: Connection: close; } An ACL declaration creates and initializes a named access control list which can later be used to match client addresses:: acl local { localhost; // myself /24; // and everyone on the local network ! 3; // except for the dialin router } if (client.ip ~ local) { return (pipe); } 函数形式 sub pipe_if_local { if (client.ip ~ local) { return (pipe); } } Subroutines in VCL do not take arguments, nor do they return values. 函数调用: call pipe_if_local; 内置函数: vcl_recv在请求开始的时候调用,判断是否处理该请求,怎样处理以及访问后台哪个


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