skimming and scanning(快速阅读)练习题.doc

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skimming and scanning(快速阅读)练习题

Reading comprehension (skimming and scanning) In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions. For questions 1--7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked (a), (b), (c) and (d). For questions 8--10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. The Freshers Fair   The Freshers Fair usually takes place about a week after you begin university and offers freebies, give-aways, advice and information. It is often a great opportunity for new students to mingle with other freshers, current students, tutors, and representatives from the Student Union. All universities have clubs and societies and many of them use the Freshers Fair as their opportunity to let you know what is on offer. There is usually a wide range to choose from, including sports, drama, debating, groups for all the main religions, musical and literary genres and film clubs. You may also find that your course has a club or society for students studying your subject as well as groups for disabled and international students.   Clubs and societies can be a great way of meeting new people in your first weeks and an ideal chance to try new activities and explore new interests. Remember that some of the clubs and societies on offer will be more established than others so if you like the sound of a club, ask if you can pop along to the initial get-together before you commit yourself! Make sure you arent pressurised into anything and use your discretion. If clubs involve a membership fee, think carefully before you commit to a regular payment—you may feel able to part with the cash in September but if a regular payment is coming out of your bank account even month, you may regret it later on.   The Freshers Fair is a great way to find out about the services and facilities of your local city or town. There are often representatives from local entertainment, leisure facilities, restaurants, clubs, pubs, insurance agencies, travel agents, m


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