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做试题,没答案?上自考365,网校名师为你详细解答! 全国2002年4月高等教育自学考试 英语科技文选试题 课程代码:00836 PART A:VOCABULARY Ⅰ.Directions: Add the affix to each word according to the given Chinese, making cahnges when necessary.(10%) 1. instinct 本能地 1._____________ 2.different 微分的 2._____________ 3.season 季节的 3._____________ 4.retard 阻碍物 4._____________ 5.tangle 解开……的纠结 5._____________ 6.disciplinary 多种学科的 6._____________ 7.ceptible 易感的,敏感的 7._____________ 8.consciously 潜意识地 8._____________ 9.neighbor 街坊 9._____________ 10.simulate 模拟器 10._____________ Ⅱ.Directions: Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form.(10%) border on delve into next to submit to within reach of a fraction of a second allow for be exposed to emanate from be applicable to 11.The bar is set ________ a screw, so that it touches the screw when it is straight. 12.The new system can trace a phone call in ________. 13.The park ________ the shores of the lake. 14.The term 揻luid?________ both liquids and gases. 15.If the heating element ________ air, it should be made of metal that does not oxidize readily. 16.Our calculations failed to ________ possible errors. 17.The hotel is ________ easy ________ the beach. 18.The metal ________ analysis. 19.A bad smell ________ the garbage can on the road. 20.He ________ the novel and came up with an with an article of very high quality. Ⅲ.Directions: Fill in each blank with a suitable word given below.(10%) much recently while chemical properties species that behavior grounds criteria Before Mendeleev, chemical elements were classified according to their _21_. Mendeleevs contribution was to find a _22_ more exact system of classification, based on atomic weight. More _23_, the basis of classification has moved to atomic number. Thus _24_ classification has a quantitative basis _25_ biological classification



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