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English part 2 1. Metabolic Syndrome October 12, 2009 — A new joint statement from a number of professional organizations has identified specific criteria for the clinical diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome, tightening up the definition, which previously differed from one organization to the next [1]. The statement, published online October 5, 2009, in Circulation, includes the participation of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), the World Heart Federation, the International Atherosclerosis Society, and the American Heart Association (AHA) and is an attempt to eliminate some of the confusion regarding how to identify patients with the syndrome. This paper represents an attempt to make the definition global, Dr Robert Eckel (University of Colorado, Denver), one of the authors of the new report, told heartwire . The IDF definition and the [National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel] ATP III definition have been the two that have been utilized most frequently, and now the different organizations--the IDF, the International Atherosclerosis Society, the NHLBI, and the AHA--have all signed on to a single definition. I think thats a step forward in terms of not continuing to confuse people who are working in this field. Specifically, the new metabolic-syndrome definition streamlines previous differences related to abdominal obesity as defined by measurements in waist circumference. Substantial disparities existed between the previous IDF and the ATP III definitions of what constituted an excessively large waist circumference, by as much as 8 cm between the two groups, but these have been amended. Now, the criteria for elevated waist circumference are based on population- and country-specific definitions, which, although streamlined, do leave some work to be done, said Eckel. The problem that still exists is that regional differences around the world may be substantial in terms of what


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