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各位亲爱的们: 感谢大家的合作,我已将收到的材料汇总在此,希望大家都看一看,提提意见,不胜感谢。还有3个单元没有收到材料,希望忙碌的老师们抽空完成交上来,1234567,我等得好着急呢。Zhuzhu Unit1 Reception (夏创新) Text 1 (会议接待) Tips On Meeting Reception Write down the meeting purpose and general objectives, ideally in a single sentence. Make it as specific as possible and think in terms of goals. For example: “To decide on a marketing plan and determine individual responsibilities, to be completed by July 1.” Decide who should chair the meeting and who should participate. “The smallest size capable of performing the task effectively” is the ideal size. All those without direct responsibility for the meeting topic, without information about it should be excluded. Determine the best meeting format: consultation, recommendation, or delegation. The meeting chairperson should adjust his or her leadership style to conform. Brief participants ahead of time, telling each why he or she was asked to attend, what he or she should be prepared to present, and the overall anticipated outcome. Establish the time, place, and duration of the meeting. Use a conference room without a phone to avoid disruption. Schedule two hours at most; studies have shown that most people’s efficiency diminishes greatly after that length of time. Distribute an agenda to all participants in advance. Limit the agenda to four or five main points. List subtopics and allocated time to keep the meeting focused. Designate a willing note-taker. It shouldn’t be the chairperson, who already has enough to do. The note-taker should condense the meeting notes into a onememo. Assign people to action items. The meeting planner should do this before the meeting, if possible. Include the assignments in the meeting minutes. (246 words) ? Text 2 (酒店接待) The Abercorn Guest House 这是故事性的,似乎没有涉及到如何进行酒店的接待工作,建议换一篇说明性文字。朱 This is the third time I have stayed at the Abercorn Guest House and each time it has been an enjoyable experience.The house is a lovely building surrounded by a lovely wall


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