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马德里抵抗空气污染Madrid has ordered half of most private cars off the roads on Thursday to tackle worsening air pollution a first in Spain.周四马德里要求几乎半数的私家车禁止上路,以解决严重的空气污染问题,这项措施在西班牙尚属首次。The restrictions will operate between 6.30am and 9pm and will be re-uated daily depending on pollution levels. The city council said in a statement: “vehicles with even-number registration plates will be allowed to drive around on even-number days and cars with odd-number registration plates on odd-number days”.这个规定限制从早上6:30到晚上9点,并且根据每天的污染情况进行调整。城市委员会是这样说的,“牌照号码数字是偶数的汽车将被允许在日期是偶数的那天开,牌照号码数字是奇数的汽车将允许在日期是奇数的那天开。”马德里禁止半数汽车上路抵抗空气污染.jpgThe measure is activated when levels of harmful nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere go above 200 microgrammes per cubic metre in at least two measuring stations for two days running and if the air is unlikely to clear imminently.大气中有害的二氧化氮连续两天在至少两个监测站显示超过每立方米200微克,以及污染的空气不能立刻清理干净的情况下,这项措施就会实施。您现在的位置:首页 双语阅读 双语新闻 娱乐新闻 正文2016年表现最糟糕的名人时间:2017-01-04 10:45:24 来源:可可英语编辑:alice? VIP免费外教试听课 | 可可官方微信:ikekenet字号:大 | 中 | 小 [网页划词已开启] 评论打印收藏本文英中对照中英对照英文在前中文在前只看英文只看中文女士们、先生们,欢迎来到2016年没礼貌大奖颁奖典礼。.jpgLadies and gentlemen, may I welcome you to the Bad Manners Awards 2016?女士们、先生们,欢迎来到2016年没礼貌大奖颁奖典礼。The judging committee (of one) has spent weeks deciding which members of the Royal family, politicians and celebrities deserve one of these most galling of gongs to mark a grievous breach of protocol or lapse in mannerly judgement over the past year.评审委员会(就我一人)花了几周的时间来决定王室、政界以及明星当中谁应该获得一枚令人难堪的奖章,以表彰他们过去一年严重违反礼仪或行为失态的表现。BAD SPORTSMANSHIP最差运动员精神奖Recipient: President-elect Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton (joint winners)获奖者:侯任总统唐纳德?特朗普和希拉里·克林顿(共同获奖)Well, at least Hilary has won something this year. Im sure shes thrilled.至少希拉里今年赢得了点什么。我相信她会非常兴奋。At the time of the third presidential debate in October both candidates churlishly refused to greet or bid farewell to the other in the custom of the handshake.在10月份的第三场总统大选辩论中,两位总统候选人没教养地拒绝与对方握手问好或道别。TERRIBLE TIMEKEEPING最不守时奖Recipient: Their Royal H


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