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游学常用英语口语 在飞机上(On the airplane) 可以给我一些茶/咖啡吗? May I have some tea/coffee, please? 可以给我添一些水吗? Could I have more water? 我想要一些橙汁。 I’d like to have some orange juice, please. 可替换词汇:可乐coke,雪碧sprite, 苹果汁apple juice,番茄汁tomato juice, (热/冰)茶(hot/ice)tea 鸡肉chicken,猪肉pork,牛肉beef 鱼肉和米饭fish with rice,面条noodles 我可以用洗手间吗? Could I use the toilet? 可替换词汇:Lavatory 我可以放低(倾斜)我的座位吗? May I recline my seat? 我可以把我的行李放在这儿吗? Can I put my Baggage here? 我晕机了。 I’m airsick. 我觉得恶心(想吐)。I’m sick. 我感觉不舒服。 I’m not feeling well. 与寄宿家庭见面(Meet with the host family) 你好吗? How do you do? 很高兴见到你! Nice/Glad to meet you! 我相信我们可以相处得很好。 I believe we can get along very well. 例:初次见面自我介绍(self-introduction) Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you! My name is XXX, I’m 14 years old, and I’m from China. During my free time, I think my hobbies are singing, along with swimming and horseback riding. I hope we can get along well in next days! Thanks! 你好,很高兴初次见面!我叫XXX,今年14岁,来自中国。在平日里,我的爱好是唱歌,游泳和骑马。希望在接下来的日子里,我们可以相处得很好!谢谢! 文中词汇:唱歌singing 游泳swimming 骑马 horseback riding 可替换词汇:画画 Drawing 弹钢琴 Play the piano 弹吉他 Play the guitar 跳舞 Dancing 滑板 Skate-boarding 上网 Surf in the Internet 居家生活(Living) 好漂亮的房子! What a lovely home!/ How lovely it is! 我什么时候可以洗澡? Excuse me,when could I have a shower? 我们什么时候开饭? When will we have dinner? 我有点饿了。 I’m hungry. 我可以先吃些零食吗? Could I eat some snacks first? 我可以做中国菜吗? Could I make Chinese food/dish? 给以给我你的电话号码/邮箱吗? Could I have your phone number/ e-mail 天气(Weather) 今天天气怎样? What’s the weather like today?/ How’s the weather today? 还不错。It’s fine. 阳光明媚.It’s sunny. 天气真好,不是吗。 It’s a lovely day, isn’t it? 温度如何? What’s the temperature? 问路(Ask for directions) 请问地铁站在哪里? Excuse me,where is the subway station? 请问商场怎么走? Excuse me, how can I get to the shopping mall? 不好意思,您能告诉我去巴士站的路吗? Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the bus station? 相关词汇:轻轨sky stain 地下通道 underpass 高速公路 highway 斑马线 zebra crossing 可控人行道 pelican crossing 过街天桥 footbridge 购物(Shopping) 我想买这个。 I’d like to buy it. 我要了。


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