英语3 资料 欧.docx

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英语3 资料 欧

短对话一Jane...to take long camping;The man is disappointed with;He is a sport;He has different reading;It’s a best-selling; DADBC二He will choose another;She thinks Mr.Hill is the best;The apples..cheap;Her daughter likes music;Chinese..bring pront to CBACD三She should buy a computer;The professor..think it over;She will give the;She appreciates Jack;The man had a gift BACCB四Send the..bus station;Put the dishes;She asks..e-mail her;She will..without the man;Finish..afternoon DDAAD五Use the moisturizing;She disliked the weather;Watch the fashion;The movie class;He has been CDCBD六Because she is interested;She has no plan;He can meet;Applying for a job;Go to another CDBBD七Press the red button;Owning a computer herself;The couple..new washing machine;She finds..Jimmy;He can reduce the ABABD长对话 三The child fails to;Because they are not doing the;Students who are good at;The examination CCAD四to take a waik, it was very ; they want to; at eight o clock at the cinma CADC五14;Better economic;55000;Go to job ABDD六A survey..students’feedback; Reed College; All of the; Students obtain overall CDDB短文一Changes of baby; Emily; American boys..their fathers CBC二Accuracy;Because they have invested;They take orders BCC 三The person approves;Too much blinking;By understanding CBA 四It has..booming business;A Roman persecuted;The Woman..man chocolates;To express..vitality of BDBA 五Dreams express our;They sometimes get ideas;They ...were a different ACA六Because there was;Putting ornaments;In 1870 ADD七It is to develop crops that;About one hundred;Conventional breeding ACC听写一There are lots of different hobbies.glue;colored;difficult;tie;draw;dot;end;careful二Searching,searching,searching.For what?Copewith;startingpoint;gofor;sunexposure;burning;aging;repeating;cancer;block;wrinkles;effective;teenage三At the confident age of nine.Confident,adventures;commercial;publishing;coastal;anthor;definitely;consistently;1500;passionate;recognized;practical四Well,Tom Cruise and Katie


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