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职高英语教材 京剧

职高英语教材 语文出版社 第三册 Unit 6 Bejing Opera Reading 说 课 稿 虎林市高级职业中学 职高英语第三册Unit 6说课稿 王占国 Reading A , Beijing Opera 大家好,很高兴有这样的一个机会和各位同事一起分享工作中一些成果,下面我要说课的内容是京剧。. Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material Status and function Reading A 京剧这篇短文是第六单元的第一部分 是这个单元的核心内容,通过对这篇短文的学习,可以了解到祖国灿烂的戏剧文化有利于培养学生的爱国情感,同时还可以提升学生的阅读能力 Part 2 The analysis of students’ situation 我的学生到现在已经跟了我两年了,在这两年的学习中 多数学生的英语水平还是有所提高的,部分英语特别困难的学生还是没有什么起色,这也使我感到忧虑,在基本技能上 每个学生的发展程度也是不一样的 有所谓的偏科现象出现,有的听的能力很好 写的能力欠缺, 有的做题能力很强但是英语表达有不太理想 种种现象不一而足。归根结底还是自我重视不够 ,于是教学中我经常会提醒他们注意发展自己的弱项,同时也注意培养他们良好的学习习惯,在一个就是学生学习英语的兴趣不浓厚 也是导致他们消极怠工的原因,最后就是成绩不是很理想,为此我在讲课的过程中特别注意创设情境,创设竞争的气氛已经多种手段来吸引他们,让他们积极地参与到学习中来,当让他们也是有优点的, 他们都是比较好动的,对新鲜的事物总是充满里好奇,他们也是非常渴望体会自我成就和他人羡慕和尊重的目光的,同时进步效果明显也是他们的优势,当然他们在课堂上也是有不足的地方的,爱说话 不注意听讲 好东拉西扯的 等等 这个我们在做的各位老师们都是有所体会的 Part 3 Teaching aims: 1.??? Knowledge aims: To get the students understand the main idea of the text. To learn the usage of some expressions such as : originate in ,in common with ,date back from (to ), be characterized by To know about the difference between the Present and Past participles 2. Ability aims: To improve the students?listening ,reading ,speaking ability 3. Emotion aims: To make the Ss know more about Beijing Opera,for example : its history ,characteristics and so on. To develop their interest in Beijing opera. Multi-level Teaching Aims High杔evel students --to finish some difficult tasks and express themselves naturally. Mid-level students -- to master the general idea of the text and finish some exercise flexibly Low-level students -- to master those basic words , phrases and finish some easy exercises Part 4 教学要点 Teaching points The important points: Enable the students to master and use the important words and phrase The difficult points: Enable the students to retell the whole text and know about the diffrence between the present and Past participles Part 5 教学方法 Teaching methods The Whole Reading Approach (整体阅读教学


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