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2002年 语言学与应用语言学 (100 points) All the questions are to be answered in English on the answer sheets provided. 1. Displacement,arbitrariness,productivity,cultural transmission,discreteness and duality are sometimes listed as the 6 core features of human language.Choose 3 out of the 6 and explain with examples what they mean. (12 points) 2. Briefly explain what phonetics and phonology are concerned with and what kind of relationsips hold between the two.(10 points) 3.In deriving new words via a prefix such as mis-, there seems to be some constraint on what is permitted. The words in the first colum below are acceptable formations,but in the other columns are not.Work out what the rule(s) might be for making new adjectives with the prefix mis-. (18 points) Column I : misadventure??? misjudgement??? misplaced??? mistrustful Column?II:?? *mishappy??? *mismeal??? *misglad??? *misrole Column III:? *mismilk??? *missad??? *misword??? *miscrazy 4. Using what you know about?Grices cooperative principle and its four maxims,analyze the following short exchange.(20 points) 同事甲:小张昨晚去哪儿了? 同事乙:今天在早上我看见一辆白色富康停在小林家门口。 5. In?each of the following sentences,the second part cancels some information given by the first part.?However,this seems to result in quite acceptable utterances in group (1) and in very awkward utterances in guoup (2). Explain why. (20 points) Group (1) a.老张有三个孩子,其实还不止三个。 b.我只喜欢黄色和蓝色,不过试试红色也未尝不可。 c.约翰的普通话说得还可以,确切地说是非常棒。 Group (2) *d.我特后悔选修了这门课,其实我没有选修这门课。 *e.她这次考试又不及格,不过她上次及格了。 *f.我在乡下日子过得很苦,说真的我没在向下呆过。 6. Put yourself into the position of an English teacher in China. What are your goals and the goals of the students and the educational sysem in the teaching and learning of English? When the goeals do not converge,how can you reconcile the differences between them?(20 points) ??????????????????????????????????? 2003 年 语言学与应用语言学 All the questions are to be answered in English on the answer sheets provided. 1.Words in our mental lexicon are known to be related to one a


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