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Summery:1.1本篇课文的作者是一位即将毕业的大学生。他准备毕业后旅游当作家,但是担心父亲不接受他的选择。父亲带他出去捉螃蟹,并让他观察笼子里螃蟹的举动。这次经历使他认识到,makes him aware that 一个人趁着年轻应该走自己的路。原来it turns out that 父亲是同意他对未来的选择的。The writer of the text is to graduate from college. He wishes to travel and write, but feels worried that his father might resist his idea. His father takes him to catch crabs and tells him to watch the interesting behavior of some crabs. The experience makes him aware that one should discover himself and then follow his own path. It turns out that his father supports his plan about the future.1.2 本篇课文使我们认识到一个人的生命是短促的,没有人能够逃脱死亡。但是我们应该尽力strive to使自己的一生富有意义,丰富多彩。千万不要把今天该做的事情推迟put off到明天,没有明天,明天就是今天的翻版version。如果一事无成achieve nothing,生命终结时就会感到无限infinite regret的后悔。The text tells us that one’s life is short and nobody can escape death. However, we are in a position to strive to make our life meaningful and colorful. Putting off what should be done today till tomorrow is a big mistake, for there is no tomorrow and what is called tomorrow is only a version of today. If one achieves nothing, he will feel infinite regrets at the end of his life.2.1 本片课文是关于/deal with/is concerned with/revolves around/一位女性的童年回忆。她详细写到/2了自己小时是如何迷恋于机场的,在超人的影响下,她开始编织自己丰富多彩的飞行梦想。除此之外,她还叙述/recount了自己和其他孩子玩超人游戏的经历。她的描写细致minute,形象,独特unique,给人readers印象深刻。The text deals with a childhood memory of a woman. She dwells on how she was fascinated with the airport as a kid. Under the influence of the Superman, she made her colorful dreams of flying. In addition, she recounts how she and other kids played the game of the Superman. Her description is vivid, leaving readers a deep impression.3.1 本片课文分析人们了听音乐的三个层面。第一,感官层次,这个术语指的是乐声的魅力带来derived的纯粹的快感。 第二,表达层次,这个层次指的means是一首作品表达的内容或者情感.第三,音乐层次,指的是从音乐语言上分析一首作品的能力。作者指出,我们是同时而又本能地经历这三个层面(课文最后一句)。The text makes an analysis of the three planes on which people listen to music. The first plane is sensuous plane, which refers to sheer pleasure derived from the sound appeal of music. The second is expressive plane. The


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