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Z. 杂费 miscellaneous (incidental) expenses 砸牌子 ruin reputation 砸星运动 star-bashing campaign. After the father of an Andy Lau fan committed suicide in Hong Kong early this year, some young people on the Chinese mainland smashed CDs and tore down posters of pop stars in an attempt to reason with infatuated fans. 再贷款 re-lending; subloan 在孵(孵化器)企业 incubated enterprises (incubator) 灾后重建 post-disaster reconstruction 在建工程 project under construction 在建项目后续资金 additional funding for projects under construction 再就业服务中心 re-employment service center 再就业工程 re-employment project / program 宰客 swindle money out of customers 在联合国的框架内 within the framework of the United Nations 灾民 flood victims; flood-stricken people 在全国范围内实行群防群控 mobilize the general public throughout the country to control the outbreak 宰人 rip somebody off 载人飞船 manned spacecraft 载人卫星 manned satellite 再生环保纸 recycled paper 再生纸 recycled paper 在途资金 fund in float 在线 (计算机) on-line 在线网上书店 online bookstore 载誉 come with the honor a person has won 在职博士生 on-job doctorate 在职研究生 on-job postgraduates在字面上兜圈子 festoons of words 载人航天工程 the manned space flight project 再生纸 recycled paper 暂住证 temporary residence permit (card) 脏弹 dirty bomb 赃款赃物 proceeds of crime 藏羚羊 Tibetan antelope 脏乱差 dirty, disorderly and bad 藏学 Tibetology 藏学 Tibetology 藏学家 Tibetologist 藏传佛教 Tibetan Buddhism 藏独分裂分子 Tibetan separatist (The relay set off from China Bay Park but with Tibetan separatists and their supporters threatening to storm the relay, San Francisco police made a swift change in the route and shortened the course by half.) 暂行办法 interim measure 暂行规定 interim provisions 造福子孙 bring benefits to our posterity 造假帐 falsified accounts 早恋 puppy love 造林运动 afforestation drive (campaign) 糟粕 dross 噪声治理 noise abatement 早市 morning session 早熟 early onset of puberty (The number of children experiencing the early onset of puberty has doubled over the past 10 years, according to a survey analyzing childrens endocrine diseases by the Women and Childrens Hospital o


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