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成功类 自信,自尊 Self-confidence, self-esteem 遭遇不幸 Encounter misfortunes, be confronted /afflicted with mishaps 经历困难 Go through trials and difficulties 鼓励某人克服困难 Encourage sb. to overcome obstacles , drive sb. to beat the odds 勤奋,持之不懈 Perseverance, diligence, industry, constancy, persistence 懒惰 Laziness, idleness, indolence, lassitude 导致失败 Result in failure 实现目标 Reach/achieve one’s goal, realize/fulfill one’s dream, 强烈的愿望 Fierce/ strong will(反义词:weak will意志薄弱) 顽强的精神 Undaunted spirit 正直,诚实 Honesty, integrity 道德观 Standard of morality and ethics 持久的 long-standing, long-lasting, long-term, in the long run 不可信的 untrustworthy 热情 Enthusiasm, passion, zest 活力 Vim and vigor 承受压力 Bear one’s burdens 减轻压力 Lessen one’s tensions 创造性,想象力 Creativity, imagination, innovation 超越经验的局限 Reach out beyond the limit of real life experience 合作和沟通 Cooperation, collaboration, communication 合作精神 Team spirit 有合作精神的人 Team player 融会不同的思想 Mellow different ways of thinking 孤立 Isolation, solitude, segregation, seclusion 是某人变得狭隘 Subject sb. to narrowness and paranoia 寻求他人帮助 Seek out others for help, turn to others for assistance 独立精神 Independence, individualism 遇到问题 Come across a question 领导能力 leadership 辨识有才能的人 Recognize the talent 把某人安排在合适的位置 Place sb. in an appropriate position 协调整个团队达到效率最大化 Coordinate the team to maximize the effectiveness 意识到 there is a growing awareness/realization of/that awaken sb. to the fact/ the danger 接触各种思想、经历 be exposed to new ideas/experiences/problems 接触社会 come into frequent/close contact with the world/society 剥夺机会、权利 deprive oneself of the chance/right/opportunity of doing sth. 获得成功 achieve/acquire/obtain/gain/accomplish success 提出观点、建议 advance/put forward/come up with arguments/ideas/suggestions 做出努力 make tremendous/persistent/sustained effort to do sth. take great pains to do (with work/study) 许多问题 a host of/a multitude of problems 影响学习、工作 interfere with studies/work 产生影响 have/exert a profound influence


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