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英语专科1 第1讲 陆晔 Unit 1 Some Strategies for Learning English 学习英语的几种策略 Introductory Remarks 1.4 billion people live in countries where English has official (官方的) status (地位). 1/5 world’s population (人口) speaks some English. One in five is learning English. Over 70% of the world’s scientists read English. 85% of the world’s mail (邮件) is written in English. 90% of all information (信息) in the world’s electronic (电子的) retrieval system (检索系统) is stored (储存) in English. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。 There is no royal road to learning. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。 New Words strategy n. plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose 策略 Outlining is an especially helpful critical reading strategy for under-standing the content and structure of a certain passage. 概述是一种对于理解文章的内容和结构特别有用的重要阅读策略。 means n. way of doing or achieving something (sth.) 方法,手段 by no means: not at all 决不,一点也不 I am by no means satisfied with my present performance 我对自己目前的表现一点也不满意。 diligence n. steady effort 勤奋,勤勉 diligent a. 用心的,勤奋的 a diligent student 用功的学生 She hoped her diligence would be noticed at work. 她希望她的勤奋会在工作上得到赏识。 prolonged a. continuing for a long time 持续很久的, 长时间的 prolong vt. make (sth.) last longer 延长,拖延 Prolonged use of the drug is known to have harmful side-effects. 长期服用此药被认为有不好的副作用。 prolonged 是过去分词作形容词用,它的动词原型是prolong,意为“延长、拖延”。 He asked her another question just to prolong the conversation. 他又问了她一个问题,仅仅是为了延长谈话时间。 nevertheless ad. in spite of what sb. has just said 然而,尽管如此 I disagreed with everything she said, but she’s a very good speaker nevertheless. 我不同意她说的每一句话,不过她仍然是个很好的演说家。 英语专科1 第2讲 陆晔 command n. ability to use or control sth. 掌握, 运用能力 a command of computers 精通电脑 She has an impressive command of the English language. 她对英语的熟练程度是令人难忘的。 sustained a. continuing for a long time 持久的,坚持不懈的 sustain vt. make (sth.) continue to exist or happen for a period of time 保持, 使继续下去 The president’s speech was greeted by sustained applause. 人们对总统的演讲报以经久不息的掌声。


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