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新视野英语第三册习题汇编Unit IVocabularyFill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. Suspicion deputy fantastic considerate Substantial furnish notify justify Inherit commission deposit restore1. The police’s _________of Anthony Williams was aroused when they discovered that his deposits in the bank were very large.2. Some sufferers will quickly be _________to perfect health, whereas others will take a longer time.3. She was everywhere, smiling, busy, soft-footed, always _______________for others, and therefore she was very popular among us.4. After his uncle died, he_________ the beautiful estate with which he changed from a poor man to a wealthy noble.5. It isn’t wise for you to take pains to _____________ your house than your mild.6. There is no way to _________ his stealing money from his office and pouring it into this village.7. Demands for change will continue, but it is difficult to imagine _________ progress being made in the immediate future.8. She was sitting by the window, watching the light casting___________ shadows on the white brick wall.TranslationTranslate the following into English.1.我还要感谢那些在我处境艰难时支持我的人。(stick by; fall on hard days)2.他出版了一本通俗小说,赚了很多钱,所以有能力买新房和轿车。(now that)3.警察说,他们产生怀疑是因为姑娘的尸体上还有其他印记。(suspicion)4.你怎么能这样对她说话?是她把你养大,帮你完成学业。(like that)5.尽管这些学生毕业后的道路会很艰难,但他们的前途却是光明的。(as)WritingNow try to write you own short composition, which starts with a general viewpoint that is supported by specific details. The topic has a detailed outline that you can follow if you choose.Topic: Mr. Williams deceived everyone.Specific details: Mr. Williams told people that he inherited the money from a rich uncle; the truth-no uncle, have a few debts… Mr. Williams called himself Lord Williams; the truth-only a government employee, a £65,000 a year position, buy noble titles…Unit IIVocabularyFill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. modera


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