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DVD:全称Digital Video Disk 中文意思:数字视频光盘或数字影盘 Compact Disc 光盘 Random-access memory 随机存取存储器 Read Only Memory 只读存储器 Basic Input Output System 基本输入输出系统 Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管 LCD: Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器 LED:Light Emitting Diode 发光二极管 VGA: Video Graphics Array 显示绘图列阵 Cell-phones:手机 CCD: Charge-coupled Device 图像传感器 Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor 互补金属氧化物半导体 地址总线:Address bus CPU: Central Processing Unit 中央处理器 ALU: Arithmetic Logical Unit 运算器 软件开发:Software Development 执行文件:Executable file ODBC: Open Database Connectivity开放数据库互连 人工智能:Artificial Intelligence URI: Uniform Resource Location“统一资源定位符 HyperText Transfer Protocol超文本传输协议 Local Area Network局域网 Internet Server Provider互联网服务提供商 Internet Protocol网际协议 Server 刻录机:Burner 网络搜索引擎:Web search engines Refresh Rate 刷新率 In monitors based on CRT technology, the refresh rate is the number of times that the image on the display is drawn each second. If your CRT monitor has a refresh rate of 72 Hertz (Hz), then it cycles through all the pixels from top to bottom 72 times a second. Refresh rates are very important because they control flicker, and you want the refresh rate as high as possible. Too few cycles per second and you will notice a flickering, which can lead to headaches and eye strain. 在基于显像管技术的监视器的刷新率是上显示的图像绘制的每秒的次数。如果您的 CRT 显示器的 72 赫兹 (Hz) 刷新率,然后它循环通过的所有像素都从顶部到底部每秒 72 次。刷新率是非常重要的因为他们控制闪烁,并且您希望尽可能高的刷新率。每秒,你太少周期将通知闪烁,从而导致头痛和眼睛疲劳。 Televisions have a lower refresh rate than most computer monitors. To help adjust for the lower rate, they use a method called interlacing. This means that the electron gun in the televisions CRT will scan through all the odd rows from top to bottom, then start again with the even rows. The phosphors hold the light long enough that your eyes are tricked into thinking that all the lines are being drawn together. 电视有比大多数计算机显示器的刷新率低。为了帮助调整率低,他们使用一种称为隔行扫描的方法。这意味着在电视显像管电子枪将扫描所有奇数行从顶部到底部,然后再次开始偶数行。荧光粉持有光线足够长的时间你


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