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效果: 原图和效果图对比: 一、打开图片,按Ctrl+J复制一层,创建通道混合器调整层 二、设置通道混合器设置参数如图,注意要勾选“单色” 三、使用通道混合器后我们会发现图片天空部分的细节严重丢失,所以这步我们来还原天空部分的色彩信息,所以要先做出天空部分的选区 先隐藏通道混合器调整层,然后执行“选择——色彩范围”,用吸管吸取天空部分,色彩容差调到160,确定,这样我们就把天空部分选出来了 四、回到通道混合器调整层,选中右边的蒙板,然后填充黑色,天空部分就被还原了 五、保持选区,添加一个“高亮/对比度”调整层,把背景调暗,做出夜景效果 六、新建一层,选白色画笔,在画笔管理器设置画笔,参数如图,然后用画笔绕着树用画笔点缀 七、夜景当然少不了月亮了,我们再新建一层,选择自定义形状工具,选一个月亮形状,在右上角画出,然后双击月亮图层,出现图层样式框,选“外发光”,颜色自定,补充一下,画笔也用了外发光 八、最后我们来加点颜色上去,添加一个“色相/饱和度”调整层,勾选“着色”,调色相,你喜欢什么颜色就调成什么颜色 九、如果你还想要更酷的效果,可以用唯美线条星空笔刷,最终效果如图: 没有笔刷的人可以到论坛笔刷区下载:/viewthread.php?tid=82433 influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through que


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