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挑战地道美国英语地道美语用语(下) [by:Studyplayer] [00:00.00]I thought you said this was a difficult problem. It isnt. In fact, its as easy as pie. [00:11.06]我想你说过这是个难题,但事实上,它很简单。 [00:22.13]Yes, I got the work done in time. I finished it at the eleventh hour, but I wasnt late. [00:31.20]是的,我及时完成了这项工作。尽管我在最后一刻才完成这项工作,但总算是还来得及。 [00:40.28]Mike was born in 1961, so hes a baby boomer. [00:46.81]麦克1961年出生,所以他是个在生育高峰期年代里出生的人。 [00:53.34]A:I dont believe what Bob said. Why is he bad-mouthing me? [00:56.40]A:我不相信鲍勃所说的话,他为什么要说我的坏话呢? [00:59.45]B:Hes probably jealous of your success. [01:01.05]B:可能他嫉妒你的成功吧。 [01:02.64]Bob said the test was difficult, but I thought it was a piece of cake. [01:10.26]鲍勃说这个测验很难,但我觉得它很简单。 [01:17.87]A:I just got an e-mail message from our old friend Sally. [01:20.73]A:我刚刚收到我们的朋友赛丽的一封电子邮件。 [01:23.59]B:Tell me what she said. Im all ears! [01:25.85]B:告诉我她说了些什么,我很想知道。 [01:28.11]No, I cant lend you ten dollars. Im completely broke until payday. [01:36.47]不行,我不能借给你十块钱,在发工资前,我也是两袋空空。 [01:44.83]Bill, youre too careless with your work. Im fed up with apologizing for your mistakes. [01:53.66]比尔,你工作太粗心了,我对你为所犯的错误而作的道歉都厌烦了。 [02:02.49]Could we postpone our meeting until tomorrow? I expect to be in and out of the office most of the day today. [02:13.39]我们可以把会议推迟到明天吗?今天我会经常不在办公室。 [02:24.30]Im really tried. Ive been on the go all week long. [02:29.97]我确实很累,整个星期我一直在忙。 [02:35.64]You wont be able to contact me tomorrow because Ill be on the road. [02:41.65]你明天联系不上我,因为我还在路上。 [02:47.65]Quit beating around the bush! If you dont want to go with me,just tell me! [02:55.35]不要兜圈子了,如果你不想跟我去,就直接告诉我。 [03:03.04]Can you help me with this problem? Ive been beating my brains out with it, but I just cant solve it. [03:12.80]你能帮我解决这个问题吗?我已经竭尽全力,但还是不行。 [03:22.55]A:What times the party? [03:23.56]A:派对是什么时候的? [03:24.56]B:Beats me! [03:25.48]B:我不知道! [03:26.39]Im really behind with my project. Can you help me? Im afraid I bite off more than I could chew! [03:36.46]我的工作进度落后很多,你能帮我吗?恐怕我力所不能及。 [03:46.53]Dont s


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