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本科毕业设计(论文) 题目 基于B/S的SWPU 校友录管理信息系统开发 学生姓名 刘维 学 号 0709030135 教学院系 经济管理学院 专业年级 信息管理与信息系统2007级 指导教师 郭晓军 职 称 教授 单  位 西南石油大学 辅导教师 职 称 单  位 完成日期 2011 年 6 月 6 日 Southwest Petroleum University Graduation Thesis Development of SWPU Alumni Information System Based on B/S Grade: 2007 Name: Liu Wei Speciality: Information Management Information System Instructor: Guo Xiaojun School of Economics Management 2011-6 摘要 随着互联网的普及,人类已经进入了信息时代,互联网不仅方便了人类的生活,还推动着人类不断发展进步。在互联网的推动下,各种数字化工具应运而生,校友录管理信息系统也是一种新新工具,它的出现就是跟随时代的步伐,为人类造福。校友录系统是以校友为主要用户的管理新信息系统,它可以为在校或已毕业的广大校友们提供交流思想的场所,通过提供完善的校友录服务和规范校友录的管理,建立起校友间的沟通渠道,以达到增进校友之间、校友与母校之间的感情,方便校友联系的目的,从而增强学校的凝聚力。 通过研究,系统的整体框架和主要的功能都得到了实现,本系统达到了计划预期的成果,虽然其中还有很多问题,但是在有限的时间内能完成这样的工作也算是达到了论文写作的目的。 关键词:信息;管理;校友录;西南石油大学;B/S Abstract With the popularity of the Internet, we have entered the information age, the Internet is not only convenient for human life, but also to promote the continued development and progress of human. Driven by the Internet, a variety of digital tools have emerged;Alumni Management Information System is a new tool;it appears with the pace of the times for the benefit of mankind.Alumni Information System is a new information system that alumni is the main user;it can provide a place to exchange ideas for the majority of alumni who is in school or have graduated;through the provision of comprehensive alumni services and specifications of alumni management;to establish channels of communication among alumni;in order to increase the feelings among alumni and the feelings between alumni and alma mater;achieve the purpose of the convenient of alumni communication , in order to enhance the cohesion of the school. Has used life cycle method ,which is a structured system development methods,during the system development. It is also one of the most mature and common developing methods so far. The system is based on B / S structure. Also used a variety of development software, such as visio 201


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