Interaction Between The Immune System And Tumor Cells Cutaneous Disorders As A英文文献.pdf

Interaction Between The Immune System And Tumor Cells Cutaneous Disorders As A英文文献.pdf

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Interaction between the Immune System and Tumor Cells: Cutaneous Disorders as a Consequence of Autoimmunity and Immunosuppression M. LAIMER, C. M. LANSCHUETZER, AND H. HINTNER Department of Dermatology, Paracelsus Private Medical University, Salzburg, Austria ABSTRACT : The interaction between the immune system and tumor cells is dis- cussed with regard to examples of lymphoproliferative disorders associated with autoimmune phenomena, immunosuppression favoring tumorigenic in- fections, and a new therapeutic modality whereby a drug-induced Th1 immune response leads to complete regression of skin tumors. KEYWORDS : autoimmunity; lymphoproliferative disorders; skin tumors; immunosuppression AUTOIMMUNITY Pemphigus diseases are characterized by blistering, erosions, acantholysis, and autoantibodies against structural proteins of desmosomes (FIG . 1).1,2 The qualitative and quantitative pathogenic significance of pemphigus autoantibodies has been demonstrated by antibody transfer and knockout mice experiments. Although shar- ing several aspects with classical pemphigus, paraneoplastic pemphigus (PNP) is a distinct, heterogeneous autoimmune syndrome associated with severe ulceration of mucosae and polymorphous skin lesions with a mononuclear infiltrate, occuring within the context of mainly hematological malignancies (non-Hodgkins lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic lymphoma, Castleman`s disease, etc.). There is evidence that the pathogenic mechanism in PNP comprises both humoral and cellular autoimmu- nity: Autoantibodies directed against desmogleins (Dsg1 and Dsg3) and intracellular proteins of the plakin family (desmoplakins I and II, BP230, envoplakin, periplakin) may emerge from autoreactive clones of lymphoma cells, or reflect a cross-reactive antitumor response (molecular mimicry) or a dys


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