冀教版英语九年级Unit 1-10 单元语法归纳课件 共96张.ppt

冀教版英语九年级Unit 1-10 单元语法归纳课件 共96张.ppt

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冀教版英语九年级Unit 1-10 单元语法归纳课件 共96张

【易错提醒】 1.易错选A,只看到了by是介词,后跟代词。可此题表达的是猫总是自己洗脸,应用反身代词。 2.易错选D,分不清beside与besides。前者意为“在……旁边”,而后者意为“除……之外还有”。 3.此题易错选B。只想到了keep...doing“让……做某事”而此题表示的是“保持一种状态”,应用keep...+adj.来表示。 4.易错选A。没弄清问句的意思,错误地认为是“你想要什么?”,实际上表达的是“你打算做什么(职业)?”。 5.易错选B。只想到了take...to...把……带到……,把东西带到远离说话的地点。而此处表示:你们的感人故事让我伤感得流泪,即“把…… 带来”。 单项选择 ( )1.Study hard,    you will pass the exam.(2014安顺)? A.so B.or C.but D.and ( )2.It was raining heavily,    we decided to stay at home and watch TV.(2014天津)? A.but B.or C.because D.so ( )3.Be quiet,my kids,    you will have to stay outside, because this is a library.(2015黄石)? A.and B.because C.or D.but D D C ( )4.At school,we are taught     knowledge     how to behave well.(2015青岛) A.neither;nor B.either;or C.not only;but also D.not;but ( )5.—I hear     your grandpa     your grandma enjoy watching Beijing Opera.? —Right,just as many old people do. A.both;and B.neither;nor C.either;or D.not only;but also ( )6.    Tom     Nancy can help us.We have to ask others for help.(2015绥化) A.Both;and B.Either;or C.Neither;nor C A C ( )7.—Tim,how do your parents like popular pop music? —   my dad    my mom likes it.They both prefer classical music.(2014福州)? A.Either;or B.Neither;nor C.Not only;but also ( )8.—Where are you going to stay when you get to Shanghai? —I may live     in a hotel     in a friend’s house.(2014呼和浩特)? A.both;and B.either;or C.neither;nor D.not only;but also B B ( )9.I have only two tickets for TF Boys’ concert.    you     he can go with me.(2015广东)? A.Either;or B.Neither;nor C.Both;and D.Not only;but also ( )10.Neither Tony nor I     interested in playing Weibo. (2015六盘水)? A.am B.is C.are D.be A A 单项选择 ( )1.The charity provides homeless people     food and clo


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