GMAT作文模板AI6-success is live in our own way.docx

GMAT作文模板AI6-success is live in our own way.docx

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GMAT作文模板AI6-success is live in our own way

There are many people who believe that there is only one definition of success, that is to be able to spend the life in your own way. Others believe that success can be defined in many other ways. The definition of success is an interesting but somewhat controversial one, as the answer depends on education background, personal preference, culture and many other factors. Different people may have very different answers to this question. As far as I am concerned, I tend to disagree with the statement and I think that success cannot be simply defined as the way to live the life as we wish. I believe that people may choose their own definitions of success to fit their own goals and to realize their true values.First of all, people who have the most freedom to do whatever they like to do are not necessarily the most successful ones. One typical example is a young man who just inherited a huge amount of fortune from his parents. It is obvious that the young man can afford to spend the money on anything he likes and live a life that makes most people jealous. But can we call him successful? Likely not. The society admires and only respects those who make the fortune by their own hands through hardworking and earn what they deserve. Hence, it is not what one can afford to live, or how much fortune one has, or how one lives his or her life, but whether they have realized their values and earned the respect from others, that make people successful.In addition, definition of success can vary from people to people and it is difficult to have one universal definition for success. In my personal opinion, the most success people are those who have created most values for this society to help others and to make this world a better place, not necessarily the wealthiest or those who live a lavish lifestyle. For example, investment bankers in Wall Street make a great fortune from investing in toxic assets before the financial meltdown in 2008. The bankers definitely are among the peop


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