多水平模型(英文原著) chap8.doc

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多水平模型(英文原著) chap8

Chapter 8 Multilevel cross classifications 8.1 Random cross classifications In previous chapters we have considered only data where the units have a purely hierarchical or nested structure. In many cases, however, a unit may be classified along more than one dimension. An example is students classified both by the school they attend and by the neighbourhood where they live. We can represent this diagramatically as follows for three schools and four neighbourhoods with between one and six students per school/neighbourhood cell. The cross classification is at level 2 with students at level 1. School 1 School 2 School 3 Neighbourhood 1 x x x x x x x Neighbourhood 2 x x x x x x x x x x Neighbourhood 3 x x x x x x x Neighbourhood 4 x x x x x x x Figure 8.1 A random cross classification at level 2 Another example is in a repeated measures study where children are measured by different raters at different occasions. If each child has its own set of raters not shared with other children then the cross classification is at level 1, occasions by raters, nested within children at level 2. This can be represented diagramatically as follows for three children with up to 7 measurement occasions and up to three raters per child. We see that the cross classification takes place entirely within the level 2 units. We note that, by definition, a level 1 cross classification has only one unit per cell. We can, however, also view such a cross classification as a special case of a level 2 cross classification with, at most, a single level 1 unit per cell. It seems appropriate to view such cases as level 1 cross classifications only where the substantive context determines that there is at most one unit per cell (see section 8.6). Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Occasion: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 6 1 4 7 Rater 1 x x x x x Rater 2 x x x x x Rater 3 x x x x x Rater 4 x x x x x Rater 5 x x x Rater 6 x


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