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第29 卷第6期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol29, No. 6 2 00 8 年 6 月 Journal of Northeastern U ni ersity( Natural Science) Jun. 2 0 0 8 董丹阳, 张 滨, 陈岁元, 刘常升 ( , 110004) : Fe-Si , , -Fe( Si) , -Fe( Si) FeSi ; , , ; , 2 , , , , , , 25 mm/ s : ; ; ; ; : T G 142. 1; T G 156. 99 : A : 1005-3026( 2008) 06-0849-04 Effect of Scanning Speed on Microstructure and Microhardness of Laser Cladding of Silicon Steel D ON G Dan-yang , ZH A N G Bin, CHEN Sui-yuan, LI U Chang-sheng ( Key Laboratory for Anisotropy and T exture of Materials ( Ministry of Education ) , Northeastern Uni ersity, Shenyang 110004, China. Correspondent: LIU Chang-sheng, professor, E-mail: csliu @ mail. neu. edu. cn) Abstract: High-Si coating w as deposited on low-silicon steel substrate using laser to clad Fe-Si mix ed pow der onto that . T he effects of laser scanning speed on the macro-morphology , phase composition, microstructure, chemical composition and microhardness of the laser cladding w ere in estigated. The result showed that the cladding consists of -Fe( Si) , -Fe( Si) and FeSi2 phases at different scanning speeds. The microstructure of the cladding tends to grain refinement w ith its inhomogeneity impro ed w ith increasing scanning speed and, meanw hile, a erage microhardness increases due to decreasing dilution ratio in the cladding as arising from its decreasing thickness. As a result, a pore and crack-free cladding w ith metallurgical bonding to the substrate is formed on low-silicon steel surface by adjusting the laser scanning speed of w hich the optimal one is 2. 5 mm/ s. Key words: laser cladding; silicon steel; laser scan


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