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一、翻译Translationp254.Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.1. 这种坏天气更增加了我们的困难。(add to) The bad weather only added to our difficulties. 2. 在当地政府的帮助下,我们过上了安稳的生活。(settle down)、With the help of the local government, we have settled down.3. 由于工作过于劳累,玛丽累病了,被送进了医院。(through, overwork) Through overworking herself Mary fell ill and was taken to hospital.4. 我们从现代医学、科学和高等教育中受益颇多。(benefit from/by) We have benefited a lot from modern medicine, science and higher education. 5. 我妈妈鼓励我们再试一次,不要半途而废。(inspire) My mother inspired us to try again and not to give up half-way.6. 下一步我们要做的是组织参观城里有历史意义的建筑物。(what, organize) What we will do next is to organize a visit to the historic buildings in the city.7. 据说,格林先生在解决这个问题时起了很大作用。(say, play a role)Mr. Green is said to play an important role in settling the problem. 8. 亨利能使聚会很热闹,所以我们必须邀请他参加我们的英语晚会。(bring to life) Henry can bring a party to life, so we must invite him to our English evening.P202Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.1. 起初,没有人重视珍妮 (Jane) 提出的建议。(attach importance to) At first, no one attached any importance to Janes suggestion.2. 毫无疑问,这些新措施将有助于解决这个问题。(contribute to) There is no doubt that these measures will contribute to the solution to the problem.3. 我们不能把今天能做的事情推到明天去做。(what)We must not put off till tomorrow what we can do today.4. 玛丽很少来看望她父母,但她经常写信给他们。(seldom) Mary seldom came to see her parents, but she wrote to them quite often.5. 如果有机会,约翰就可能会成为一名杰出的画家。(given)Given the chance, John might have become an outstanding painter.6. 杰克最终会离开家过他自己的生活,但同时还需要你的资助。(in the meantime)Eventually Jack will leave home to lead his own life, but in the meantime he still needs your support.7. 我不知道明年谁来接任我们俱乐部的秘书。(take over) I wonder who will take over as secretary of our club next year.8. 他一到飞机场就给他在家的妻子打了电话。(upon) Upon his arrival at the airport, he made a long-distance call to his wife at home. P149Ⅱ. Translation1. 叔叔主动提出叫我去他的公司工作,但我没有接受。 (turn down) My uncle offered me a job at his company, but I


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