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Unit 1 V.A.G 1552 Vehicle System Tester New words tester[test?] n. 实验装置、诊断仪、检测器 rectify[rektifai] vt. 矫正、调整 swiveling[swivli?] adj. 转动的 display[displei] vt. n. 显示、显示器 housing[hauzi?] n. 壳体、外壳 slot [sl?t] n. 缝、凹槽 socket[s?kit] n. 孔、接头、插座 interface [int?(:)7feis] n. 接口、界面 sticker[stik?] n. 背面有胶的标签 potential [p?ten?(?)l] n. 蓄电池电压 readout[ri:daut] n. 读出装置、读出 dimension[dimen??n] n. 尺寸 diagnostic[7dai?gn?stik] adj.诊断的 airbag[??b?g] n.安全气囊 学习目标 1、知识目标: 熟悉大众V.A.G 1552诊断仪的结构、功能及其操作方法; 掌握与大众V.A.G 1552诊断仪相关的专业术语和词汇; 2、技能目标: 能识别和使用汽车诊断仪的专业术语和词汇; 能进行相关内容的阅读和翻译。 Notes on the text 1、 The tester consists of two parts: the swiveling top half of the housing and the bottom half of the housing V.A.G1552诊断仪有两大部分组成:可转动的上部和下部。 2、 You must not remove or insert the program card unless the power has been switched off, in other words when the diagnostic cable is not connected to the vehicle! 程序卡的插拔必须在关闭电源的情况下进行,或者说必须在诊断数据连接线与汽车断开连接的情况下进行。 3、 In this case, clean the contacts of the program card with a lint-free cloth soaked in methylated spirits and re-insert the card in the slot. 在这种情况下,取出程序卡,用软麻布蘸甲基化酒精擦拭触点,然后重新插入程序卡。 4、 If no provision is made for the selected function of the control unit or if the command cannot be performed because of the present operating state, the following text will appear in the display. 如果所输入的数字不是上表中所列的数字,或者是命令在目前状态下不能执行,则下列文字将会出现在显示屏上。 V.A.G 1552 Vehicle System Tester Description of the tester The V.A.G 1552 vehicle system tester is intended to assist you in fault finding and in rectifying faults of vehicle. It has the benefit of being very compact and light enabling you to use it without problems in the vehicle. The tester consists of two parts: the swiveling top half of the housing and the bottom half of


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