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摘 要 经济全球化推动了世界各国经贸发展,港口作为经济全球化的战略性宝贵资源,在各国经济发展中发挥着举足轻重的作用。为了适应经济一体化进程,我国相继出台了许多针对港口发展的优惠政策,从最初兴办保税区,到当前基本完成对“保税港区”的整体布局,可以说每一次升级都体现了深化改革,实施全方位、多层次、有重点对外开放的总体战略。截至2010年底,我国先后设立了十二个保税港区,即上海洋山、天津东疆、大连大窑湾、海南洋浦、宁波梅山保税港区广西钦州保税港区厦门海沧保税港区青岛前湾保税港区深圳前海湾保税港区广州南沙保税港区重庆两路寸滩保税港区张家港保税港区烟台保税港区 Countermeansures Study on the Development of Bonded Seaport District of DalianAbstract The globalization of trade promotes the economic development all over the world. As a strategic valuable resource, port has played a pivotal role in economic development. In order to adapt to the process of integration of the world economy, China has promulgated a series of favorable policies to opening-up successively. Each promotion of bonded economy has manifested our country deepening reform, implementing Omni-directionally, multi-level and key-outstanding strategy of innovation opening-up, early from the bonded zones established to the current, which has completly distributed the bonded seaport district basically. Up to 2007, China has set up four bonded seaports, which are Shanghai Yangshan, Tianjin Dongjiang, Dalian Dayaowan and Hainan Yangpu, and with the development of Shanghai bonded seaport is more mature. Bonded seaport in China is a special form of the free port; also it is the Chinas Free Trade Zone. As a policy-oriented of revitalizing the old northeast industrial base, as well as a strategic plan of establishment of shipping hub in Northeast Asia, Dalian Bonded Seaport will play an irreplaceable role. It is an important and far-reaching significance to speed up development and construction of Dalian Bonded Seaport, which is important to further expand the Northeast opening up, revitalize economy of the Northeast industrial base and promote establishment of shipping hub in Northeast Asia roundly. Therefore, it is necessary to study the Dalian Bonded Seaport. This thesis takes the Dalian bonded seaport district as the investigative task, takes the competitiveness evaluation of t


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