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清华大学2004年博士研究生入学考试试题Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (20%) Part Ⅱ Vocabulary (10%) ? Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one that completes the sentence and then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWET SHEET with a single line through the center. 21. The__________of the spring water attracts a lot of visitors from other parts of the country A. clash???????????B. clarify????????????????????? C. clarity????????????????????? D. clatter 22. Business in this area has been__________because prices are too high. A. prosperous?????? ?? B. secretive?????? ????? C. slack?????????? ??? D. shrill 23. He told a story about his sister who was in a sad__________when she was ill and had no money. A. plight?????????? ??? B. polarization??????? C. plague?????????? ?? D. pigment 24. He added a__________to his letter by saying that he would arrive before 8 pm. A. presidency??????? ? B. prestige?????????? C. postscript???????? D. preliminary 25. Some linguists believe that the________age for children learning a foreign language is 5 to 8.A. optimistic??????? ?? B. optional????????? ?? C. optimal?????????? D. oppressed 26. It all started in 1950, when people began to build their houses on the__________of their cities. A. paradises????????? ?????? B. omissions???????? C. orchards????????? D. outskirts 27. The meeting was__________over by the mayor of the city. A. presumed???????? B. proposed????????? C. presented????????? ?????? D. presided 28. The crowd__________into the hall and some had to stand outside. A. outgrew?????????? ?????? B. overthrew???????? C. overpassed??????? D. overflew 29. It was clear that the storm__________his arrival by two hours. A. retarded ?????????? B. retired?????????? ?? C. refrained????????? D. retreated 30. This problem should be discussed first, for it takes__________over all the other issues. A. precedence??????? B. prosperity???????? C.


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