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Southwest University of Science and Technology本科毕业设计(论文) 题目: 护套成形工艺分析和模具设计学生姓名: 学生学号: 专 业: 材料成型及控制工程 指导教师: 学院(部): 制造科学与工程学院 护套成形工艺分析和模具设计摘 要模具行业是工业发展中一个不可或缺的部分,而冲压又是模具制造中一种极为重要的方法。利用冲压的方法制造护套制件,会采用到冲压中的落料、拉深、切边以及缩口等一系列工序来共同实现护套的成形过程。为了实现从原材料到护套制件的完整成形过程的还原,以文献研究法为主,利用大学所学习的相关模具制造知识与图书馆翻阅的资料,结合前人的设计经验,对完成制件所需要的工艺方法进行研究分析、研究是否采用复合模提高护套制件成形的生产效率、拉深与缩口时是否一次成形、凸模与凹模的设计是否合理等。经过具体的计算进而比较,从而选择合适的设计过程完成护套制件的制作,最后通过在完成整个设计的过程中了解模具制造的具体过程,积累模具设计的经验。关键词:冲压、落料、拉深、缩口GACKET FORMING PROCESS ANALYSIS AND MOLD DESIGNABSTRACTMold industry is an indispensable part of industrial development, and stamping is a very important mold manufacturing method. The use of stamping method of manufacturing sheath parts, will be used to stamping in the blanking, drawing, trimming and necking and a series of processes to achieve the sheath forming process. In order to realize the reduction of the complete forming process from the raw material to the sheath part, the literature research method is mainly used to make the knowledge of the relevant molds learned by the university and the information of the library, combined with the previous design experience, The required method of research and analysis to study whether the use of composite mold to improve the production of sheath parts of the production efficiency, drawing and necking when a forming, punch and die design is reasonable and so on. Through the specific calculation and then compare, so as to select the appropriate design process to complete the production of sheath parts, and finally through the completion of the entire design process to understand the specific process of mold manufacturing, mold design experience.Key words: Stamping, blanking, drawing, necking.目 录第1章 绪论11.1课题背景11.2模具行业的发展现状11.3冷冲压的现状与发展趋势21.4课题的目的及意义2第2章 护套的成形工艺分析及方案确定42.1护套及其工艺分析42.1.1护套二维图及三维图42.1.2护套的工艺分析42.2工艺方案确定5第3章 落料拉深模的工艺计算63.1拉深前毛胚的展开尺寸计算73.2拉深次数的确定73.3各次拉深的工序件尺寸计算83.3.1拉深凹凸模圆角半径选择83.4落料拉深模相关计算93.4.1排样计算93.4.2凹凸模刃口尺寸及制造公差确定93.4.3冲压力及拉深力计算10第4章 落料拉深复合的总体设计124


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