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论文) 高速公路电子不停车收费系统项目研究 学生姓名: f 学 号: l 班 级: _ _ 专 业: __ 学 部: 信息学部 k 指导教师: k 二○一二年五月 高速公路电子不停车收费系统项目研究 Highway electronic no parking charge system research project 学生: 班级: 学号: 学部: 信息学部 专业: ________ 指导教师: 职称: 讲师___________ 工作单位: _________________ 毕业设计(论文)完成时间: 自 2011 年 11 月 至 2012 年 5 月 摘 要 电子不停车收费系统(ETC)是指在车辆通过收费站入口时,收取过路费的全过程均由机器完成,不需要人工参与,同时车辆不需要停车。ETC系统是ITS体系服务领域中的一个特殊方面,又是缓解收费站交通堵塞的有效手段,同时在使用中收费卡的用量又很大,因此各个国家把ETC作为ITS领域最先投入应用的系统来开发,我国也不能例外。ETC系统是国际上正在努力开发并推广普及的一种用于道路、大桥和隧道的电子收费系统。本文简要介绍了电子不停车收费系统(ETC)的定义、工作原理、关键技术和短程通信技术;与国外发达国家的ETC系统的发展进行比较;调研我市收费站的ETC通行效果,分析数据来解释ETC系统的实施效果;通过项目实施效果分析ETC系统在我国的建设前景;分析ETC系统在我国发展所遇到的各方面的问题,提出合理建议。 关键词:高速公路;电子不停车收费系统;短程通讯技术 Abstract Electronic toll collection ( ETC ) refers to the vehicle through the toll station entrance, collect tolls of the whole process is completed by the machine, does not require human intervention, while the vehicle does not need to stop. The ETC system is ITS system services in the field of a particular area, it is to alleviate traffic congestion toll station effective means, while in use charge card amount is large, so each country to ETC as the ITS domain was first put into application system development, our country is no exception. The ETC system is popularized for road, bridge and tunnel electronic toll collection system. This paper briefly introduced the electronic toll collection system ( ETC ) definition, principle, key technology and short range communication technology; and the developed countries in the development of ETC system for comparison; research I toll station ETC traffic effect, analysis data to interpret the ETC system implementation effect; through the analysis on the effect of implementation of ETC system in the construction of our country prospects; analysis of ETC syste


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