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Test 1
Part I Writing (30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic A Letter of Application for a Student Loan. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given in Chinese.
Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15minutes)
Directions: this part, you will have 15 minutest o go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet.
For questions 1-7, mark
Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;
N (for NO ) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;
NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.
For questions 8-10, complete the statements with the information given in the passage.
Help for the Chronically Late
New York designer Carolyn Keating was thrilled to get a job interview with a famous fashion producer. She knew that being on time was essential to making a good impression, but there was just one problem. “I had written down the address wrong. I meant to check it the night before on the computer, but I didn’t.” When Keating finally arrived at the correct address, she was 30 minutes late. “I felt embarrassed and it really upset me. I carried that insecure and worried energy through the interview.” She didn’t get the job.
Another time, Keating and several friends showed up 15 minutes late to a colleague’s wedding. “The bride was already at the alter. She was basically saying ‘I do’ when we got there, and it’s hard for six or seven people to tiptoe in quietly. We were worried that we ruined the most important day of her life.”
For some people, being on time seems nearly impossible no matter how important the events. They’re always arriving everywhere at least 10 minutes late. If this sounds like you, have you ever wished you could break the pattern? Follo
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