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深基坑岩土工程勘察成果报告和质量信息反馈 一、深基坑勘察问题的提出、分析与处理意见 One, deep foundation pit survey questions, analysis and treatment   本文就软土深基坑勘察带来的一些普遍性问题展开讨论,并剖析部分案例,介绍如下。 Some common problems in deep foundation pit in soft soil survey and discuss the part of the case, and analysis, are as follows.   (1)对淤泥质超软弱土没做不固结不排水(UU)强度试验。 ( 1 ) in the silty super soft soil didnt do the undrained strength test ( UU ).   众所周知,粉砂土富水性较强,而淤泥质土层富水性贫乏,在这种一侧富水,而另一侧隔水的条件下,导致在接触带上富水最集中,由于长期受其水的浸泡软化,致使淤泥质土中天然含水量很高,天然孔隙比和液性指数很大,其性质接近于淤泥,可能为淤泥质超软弱土。对这种特殊性土应进行钻探取样做不固结不排水(UU)强度试验或现场做十字板剪切试验。鉴于该土性对基坑工程的严重危害性,因此,建议钻探取样做不固结不排水(UU)强度试验或现场做十字板剪切试验,确定土的性质,同时,提醒勘察同行在进行深基坑围护方案设计时,应注意在淤泥质软土与粉砂接触带上,往往淤泥质软土是最软弱的。 As everyone knows, silty soil water is strong, and silt soil water shortage, water rich in this side, while the other side water conditions, resulting in the contact zone of the rich water, due to its water softening, resulting in the muddy soil natural water content is very high, natural void ratio and liquidity index, its nature is close to silt, silty soil is super soft. The particularity of soil should be drilling sampling do undrained ( UU) strength test or field vane shear test. In view of serious harm to the soil of the foundation pit engineering, therefore, suggest that drilling sampling do undrained ( UU ) strength test and field vane shear test, determination of soil properties, at the same time, to remind the survey and counterparts in the design of deep excavation retaining scheme, should pay attention to in silty and fine sand contact zone, often muddy soft soil is the most weak.   (2)没有合理分层 ( 2 ) is not a reasonable stratification   如某超高层建筑为2F基坑,发生过深基坑整体塌滑事故,后据补勘查证,淤泥质土层很厚,达30m,按其性质可细分为3个亚层:第1层淤泥质土性质最差,含有较多的腐烂植物残骸或富含有机质,埋藏较浅,厚度较大,处于基坑开挖深度范围以内;第2层淤泥质土性质稍好,但仍处于流塑状态,厚度较大,位于坑底;第3层淤泥质土性质相对较好,其性质接近于软塑状态,但埋藏较深,形成了淤泥质土的性质由上而下逐渐变好的特征。但查看原先地质报告,发现没有对淤泥质土的明显特征引起重视,仅粗分为一个大层,由于没有细分层,导致淤泥质土统计的抗剪强度C、值偏高,是引发深基坑滑塌事故的一个重要因素之一。由此可见,对深基坑而言,细分层很重要,而对很厚的淤泥质土层更应该进行仔细分层。就本工程补勘来说,对很厚的淤泥质土层划分为3个亚层是合理的。 As a super high-rise bui


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