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天然河道水面线计算的几种方法探讨 赵文丽 710003 710003 陕西天元水利电力勘察设计有限公司 陕西 西安 771100000033 摘要:介绍了明渠恒定均匀流法、天然河道水面线系统、 HEC-RAS SOBEK 4 软件及 软件 种常用的水面线推算方法,并对不 同河道进行了水面线推算,然后对计算结果进行了对比分析。结果表 明:对于坡度较小且沿程顺直、断面规整的河道,若下游起始水位对 上游河道水位影响较小,则可用明渠恒定均匀流法进行水面线推算; 若下游起始水位对上游河道水位影响较大,则可采用天然河道水面线 系统进行水面线推算;对于断面不规整的缓流河道,水位推算结果大 HEC RAS SOBEK 体呈天然河道水面线系统、 - 软件、 软件的趋势; HEC RAS SOBEK 对于急流河道, - 软件推算的水位比 软件推算的水 位偏高。 HEC RAS 关键词:明渠恒定均匀流法;天然河道水面线系统; - 软件;SOBEK软件;水面线推算 Abstract Abstract AAbbssttrraacctt: nullah constant uniform flow method, four kinds of water lines in the natural channel surface line system, HEC-RAS software and SOBEK software projection methods, and different river water surface line projections, then the calculation results of the comparative analysis. The results show that: if the downstream starting water level on the upstream river water level downstream starting water level For a slope smaller and straight along regular cross-section of the river, upstream water level of rivers, the available the nullah constant uniform flow method, the water line projections; greater impact, you can use the natural channel surface line system for the water line projections; sectional irregular slow flow of the river, the water level projection results in a substantially natural channel surface line HEC-RAS software SOBEK software trend; rapids river HEC-RAS software projected water level than SOBEK software projected high water level. Keywords Keywords KKeeyywwoorrddss: nullah constant uniform fl


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