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精读文章:Cap-and-trade The road to 60

精读文章:Cap-and-trade The road to 60 精读文章:Cap-and-trade The road to Obamas $3.6 trillion budget for the 2010 fiscal year beginning Oct. 1 contains ambitious programs to overhaul the US health care system and initiate new cap-and-trade rules to combat global warming. 翻译: 奥巴马提出的3.6万亿美元2010财政年度预算中包括了他雄心勃勃的美国医疗整改项目和对抗全球变暖的“总量管制和交易”新规则的推行计划,2010财政年度将自10月1日起开始。 分析:cap-and-trade Cap-and-trade 这个term在刚刚结束的高级口译笔试考试的阅读部分出现过,理解为“总量限制与交易”。所谓“总量管制和交易”,是指在限制温室气体排放总量的基础上,通过买卖行政许可的方式来进行排放。具体来说,就是美国等发达国家对于空气品质未达标准的污染源(这些污染源多分布在发展中国家),依照其空气品质改善目标配给“容许排放权”,并规范其逐年应削减的排放量比例、达成的目标年及最终容许排放权。各污染源取得容许排放权后,即能于开放性市场中自由进行交易买卖。这一机制为《京都议定书》首创,旨在通过对排放权的限制来减少碳排放量。 Cap这个词我们最熟悉的意思是“帽子”,而在cap-and-trade这个表达当中,cap表示the upper limit on what is allowed,即“(允许的)上限”,比如,“薪水上限”pay cap,“价格上限”price cap等。上面报道中提到的“限制温室气体排放总量”也就是to cap the emission of greenhouse gases或者greenhouse gas emission cap。 扩充: Carbon trade 目前还有许多国家(例如很多发展中国家)没有配以定格。于是有定额限制的国家(例如许多欧洲国家)有时通过旨在减少二氧化碳排放的援助、投资的方式援助没有定额的国家,受援助的国家就“认购”相应的份额,使援助国能够有更多的允许排放余量。 本周阅读文章: Cap-and-trade:The road to 60 Oct 15th 2009 | NEW YORK From The Economist print edition MANY commentators fear that Barack Obama’s plans for a cap-and-trade bill have got fatally stuck in the Senate. Their calculations were shaken up over the weekend when Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, joined John Kerry, a liberal Massachusetts Democrat, to write an article headlined “Yes We Can (Pass Climate Change Legislation)” in the New York Times. Mr Kerry is the main author of the Senate’s cap-and-trade bill. Mr Graham is no squishy moderate, but he is an occasional dealmaker. When he crosses the aisle, it tends to matter. The part most likely to bring a few extra Republicans on board concerns nuclear power. The two call for streamlining regulations on new plant construction, and putting more money into research on handling waste. This sop to nuclear power is more likely than anything else to bring on board John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential n


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