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高致病性禽流感 无害化处理技术规范 无害化处理 bio-safety disposal 用物理、化学或生物学等方法处理带有或疑似带有病原体的动物尸体、动物产品或其他物品,达到消灭传染源,切断传播途径,阻止病原扩散的目的。 标准调整的范围 规定了对因发生高致病性禽流感疫情而需处理的禽尸、产品和其它污染物品进行无害化处理的技术规范。 适用于各类禽饲养场、屠宰加工企业、屠宰点和肉类市场等因发生高致病性禽流感疫情而进行的无害化处理。 一、确保所采取的任何一种无害化处理措施都能够杀灭病原。 二、所有病死禽、被扑杀禽及其产品、排泄物、被污染或可能被污染的垫料、饲料和其他物品以及不能有效清污消毒的厂房、器械和建筑材料应当进行无害化处理。 一 般 原 则(二) 三、疫情发生后,应尽早采取无害化处理措施,以减少疫情扩散。四、无害化措施以尽量减少损失,保护环境,不污染空气、土壤和水源。 一 般 原 则(三) 五、活禽按NY764扑杀后再进行无害化处理。 六、清群时应关牢禽舍,同时对褥草和羽毛进行消毒,阻止病毒通过空气传播,避免同野鸟的接触。处理禽舍、笼器具时应先将垫料表面用消毒液淋湿,并尽可能堆成堆,用塑料布盖上再清理销毁。 一 般 原 则(四) 七、运输过程中应特别注意不扩散病毒,例如,车厢和底部必须防水,所有运载的物品必须用密闭防水容器包裹以防漏出,上部充分遮盖,以防溢出。运输工具应清洗和消毒。 八、动物防疫监督机构应全过程监控无害化处理工作。无害化处理人员应当接受过专业技术培训。 OIE禽流感和新城疫参考实验室(意大利)推荐的禽流感处理措施 禽的处理 深埋 In areas which allow burial as a means of disposal, a pit must be prepared as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed. The size of the pit must be at least two meters wide by two meters deep, and this enables disposal of 300 birds (medium weight 1.8 kg) per 1.3 meters of surface. The number of birds can be doubled, each metre deeper the pit is made (3-6 meters). All non disinfectable, biodegradable(生物 能分解的) material (wood, cardboard) must be buried with the animals. The carcases must be covered with a layer of calcium hydroxide(石灰), and then with a layer of earth (at least 40 cm). 化制 Carcases to be rendered must be loaded onto suitable vehicles which must be completely leak-proof. Rendering must take place in establisments authorised for dealing with infectious material. 感染物的处理与销毁 Waste(废弃物), organic (有机物)and all other non disinfectable material present on the farm must be destroyed, in particular the destruction of litter, eggs, egg products, hay, animal feedstuffs, feathers and egg-trays must be planned for. 垃圾 Depending on the amounts present and on the characteristic of the farm, litter can be either buried in the pit with the animal carcases or piled in heaps to ensure maturation.


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