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* Human anatomy 山东大学医学院 解剖教研室 扈燕来 huyanlai@sdu.edu.cn 办公室:1105 Basic Concepts of Anatomy Definition: human anatomy, the oldest science dealing with the structures and functions of body Gross anatomy: systematic anatomy regional anatomy 人体解剖教学特点 人体解剖学的教学包括讲授和观察标本和模型。同时,密切结合活体的观察和触摸,以增强对解剖学内容的理解和记忆。 教学大纲所列教学内容按要求程度的不同,分为“掌握内容”和“了解内容”两级。掌握内容为重点内容,学生必须通过反复学习与思考达到牢固掌握、熟练描述、准确指认和联系实际应用的程度。了解内容则要求学生达到一般的认识和了解。 人体的分部和系统 十大局部:头部(颅、面部)、颈部(颈、项部)、背部、胸部、腹部、盆会阴部(后四部分称为躯干部) 九大系统:运动系统、消化系统、呼吸系统、泌尿系统、生殖系统、感觉器、脉管系统、神经系统、内分泌系统。 Anatomical axes and planes (轴与面) Axis 轴: Vertical axis 垂直轴 Sagittal axis 矢状轴 Coronal axis 冠状轴 Plane面: Sagittal plane 矢状面 Coronal plane 冠状面 Horizontal plane 水平面 或transverse plane 横切面 The Locomotor System 运动系统 运动系统由bone 骨、joints关节和muscles 骨骼肌组成,占成人体重60% 骨起杠杆作用 关节是运动的枢纽 骨骼肌是动力器官 功能: support 支持 Protection 保护 Locomotion 运动 Introduction of the osteology 骨学总论 Bones in adult are 206 in number. Classification of bone Bones are classified according to their position and shape The position can be: skull 颅骨 bones of trunk 躯干骨 appendicular skeleton 四肢骨 Types of shape include: long bone 长骨 short bone 短骨 flat bone 扁骨 irregular bone不规则骨 Long bones (found in limbs): Diaphysis or shaft 骨干, which is hollow (called medullary cavity 骨髓腔), filled with bone marrow骨髓 Two ends-epiphysis 骺 articular surface 关节面, metaphysis干骺端, epiphysial cartilage 骺软骨, and    epiphysial line 骺线 Short bones: cuboidal立方形的in shape, e.g. carpal bones Flat bones: thin, Irregular bones: have any irregular or mixed shape, e.g. vertebrae, pneumatic bones含气骨 * Sesamoid bones籽骨: develop within tendon General structures of bone骨的构造 1.Bone substance 骨质 compact bone 骨密质 spongy bone 骨松质 呈海绵状,由骨小梁构成 ※In the calvaria 颅盖, the layers of compact bone are called the outer plate and inner plate外板和内板, while the layer of spongy bone is called the diploe 板障 2.Periosteum 骨膜: Outer or fibrous layer Inner layer is vascular and pr


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