2014届高三高考英语复习计划 动名词精选.ppt

2014届高三高考英语复习计划 动名词精选.ppt

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2014届高三高考英语复习计划 动名词精选

谢谢欣赏 学习计划: 学习计划论坛: 动名词的基本形式你知道吗? 那么简单,谁不知道。是由动词末尾加 -ing 形式构成,因此又叫动词的 -ing 形式。 V+ -ing 一、动名词的形式 主动形式 被动形式 一般式 doing being done 完成式 having done having been done More and more students are interested in learning English.(有宾语English) zxxk Excuse me for coming late.(有状语late) 动名词具有名词性质,它在句子中起着名词的作用,可单独或引起短语用作主语、表语、宾语(及物动词或介词的宾语)、定语等。 Trarelling abroad can widen one’s outlook. My favourite sport is playing table tennis. Would you mind turning off the radio? I am looking forward to hearing from you. 动名词的否定式:在其前面加否定词“not”或“never”构成. He insisted on not having a rest in spite of his illness. 动名词的用法 1.动名词(短语)作主语, 可以放在句首,亦可以用it作形式主语,将用作真正主语的动名词放在句末.动名词作主语,谓语动词一般用单数形式.(It’s no use/useless/no good/worth…doing) Walking and swimming are good exercises. It is no use apologizing. It is so nice talking to you. 2.作表语 The only thing she is interested in is dancing. His most serious problem is smoking. Her job is taking care of children. She is taking care of children. 动名词作主语和表语一般表示比较抽象的或一般的习惯性的行为. 注:动名词作表语与现在分词作表语的区别: 动名词作表语时相当于名词,说明主语的含义及内容,它与主语是同等关系,主语与表语互换位置不影响句子的基本含义,但不可用副词来修饰。学科网 现在分词作表语时相当于形容词,说明主语的特征、性质、状态等,主语与表语不可互换位置,但可用very, quite等副词来修饰,如: My job is looking after the children. Our duty is serving the people heart and soul. The situation is encouraging. This cake is very inviting. 做主语 Smoking is forbidden here. It is no use trying again. It is no use crying over spilt milk. It is no use\good\useless doing 3.做宾语 A.be busy \ worth doing Be worthy to be done Be worhy of being done b. Need \ want \ require + doing 需要 = to be done This sentence needs______. A. a improvement B. improve C. improving D. improved C C.含有to的短语动词: be\get used to, look forward to, object to, get down to, pay attention to, devote to lead to, on the way to, in addition to, prefer…to… Were looking forward ___________??the photo exhibition. A. to visiting?????B. to visit????? C. to having visited?????D. visiting D D.高中阶段能接-ing作宾语的常见动词: mind


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