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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 2015年3月28日雅思写作解析 2015年3月28日雅思考试已经结束,智课小编第一时间为大家整理 了雅思考试真题机经,供大家学习参考。这可是备考雅思的第一手宝贵 资料哦,当然想了解更多更全更细更深的雅思考试机经,还请持续关注 智课外语雅思频道! 作文题目: Some people think that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones for communication has had a negative effect on young peoples reading and writing skills.(与2015年2月7日 雅思 G类考题类似,都是电脑和手机改变人类的生活) 6个重点词: computer,mobie,communication,more and more,reading skill,writing skill 1. 审题—是negative effect on young ppl’s reading and writing skills, 注意不要偏 2. 同意好写点,不同意很难自圆其说 3. 电脑手机的好处 facilitate our life in almost every conceivable way. For example, telecommunication/shopping/reading/information searching… 注意句式: without computers, … would never have been possible. is physically and mentally damaging to us…..has stolen our leisure time. —be addicted to… drive up the crime rate—cause eyes strain—举例-每天早晨起床眼睛都很疼 critical thinking- Without computers, there would still other things that would have be addictive to us. Nobody would turn back their clock and live a pre-computer life. 智课老师范文: Over the years, there is an uprising tendency that young people are getting more addictive to computer and mobile phone. Mostly teenagers and adolescence, they regard such way of communication is a daily must, without which they won’t survive. The consequence of which is also a dreadful one, they gradually lost some certain kinds of reading and writing habits. From my point of views, this situation must be tackled in a serious and considerable manner. Although the computer and mobile phone have facilitated our life in almost every conceivable way. For example online shopping, electric book reading and even the information searching. Without computer,mobile and internet, none of these would ever been possible. However, the physically and mental damages these modern technology brought to us are also quite obvious



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